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Sound Differences Between Moode 7, 8, and 9
I've conducted extensive testing on my system (Line Magnetic LM-216AI, Magnat Signature 1105, Pi2AES HAT) and noticed that different Moode versions sound quite different. Moode 9 seems brighter and drier, while Moode 7 provided a more spacious and immersive sound. Additionally, I've observed that the SD card affects the sound quality.

Has anyone else experienced similar differences? I'd love to discuss your experiences!
(02-05-2025, 05:26 PM)Vadimdecember Wrote: Has anyone else experienced similar differences? I'd love to discuss your experiences!

Tim meant the "Sound Quality" sub-forum... further down, in the Audiophile section at the bottom of the page.

Here we mainly discuss issues/solutions (Support).

Just my 2c
I know, I don't know why I made the post in the same section... Sorry, is there any way to delete this thread entirely?
No need to delete, its been moved to SQ sub-forum
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I think differences are due to MPD version. Check out MPD 0.22 in Moode 7.4.0 compared to MPD 0.23~git, which was a trial in the same Moode version. I think that option was in Moode 7.4.0. Could be wrong. Anyway, I thought there was a significant difference in SQ going from MPD 0.22 to 0.23 .
Hardware: RPi Zero W | Allo Kali | ProtoDAC TDA1387 X8 | PGA2311 | Icepower 500ASP | Harbeth SHL5
Software: Moode 8.3.3
Source: Win 10 NAS

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