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Solved: Update library hangs unpredictably while scanning SMB share on a Fritzbox router
(02-21-2025, 09:05 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: In Library Config > Remote NAS Source you can see the default Samba mount flags


Yes, that is what I was referring to.

So the errors I showed seem to be a red herring. They should be supressed I believe by noserverino but are somehow not being.
I am now running it with the addition of vers=1.0 (and removing noserverino) and it seems to be working. The library update is running and has now gotten as far the M's. Those errors still appear to the journal log.

I'll try to determine which of the two changes got it working.
If its vers=1.0, that's not really a good long term solution. Then I'll put the usb stick into the RP4 and let it host the samba share.
moodeutl has a couple options for looking at a Samba network

Example: trx.home has SMB server turned on.
pi@moode9:~ $ moodeutl -c
Scanning for SMB hosts...
trx.home                 SMB version: 3.1.1

pi@moode9:~ $ moodeutl -C trx.home
Scanning SMB host...
pi@moode9:~ $

pi@moode9:~ $ moodeutl --help
Usage: moodeutl [OPTION]
Moode utility programs

With no OPTION print the help text and exit.

-a             Print features availability
-A [add|rm N]  Update features availability
-d             Dump session file (requires sudo)
-d [-nr]       Dump session file, no radio (requires sudo)
-d [-gv var]   Dump session file, get value (requires sudo)
-D [var]       Delete session variable (requires sudo)
-e [filename]  Export settings to [filename] or ~/moodecfg-<timestamp>.ini (requires sudo)
-i             Import settings from /boot/moodecfg.ini (requires sudo)
-f             Print supported audio formats
-F             Print full alsacap info
-l             Print moode log
-m             Run system monitor
-s             Print system info
-c             Scan for SMB hosts
-C             Scan for SMB shares [host | IP address]
-N             Scan for NFS hosts
-M             Scan for MPD hosts
-o             List audio overlays
-q             Query sql database
-r             Restart servers
-R             Restart renderer [--bluetooth | --airplay | --spotify | --deezer | --squeezelite | --plexamp | --roonbridge]
-t             Print last 10 lines of moode log and wait
-u             Check radio station urls for playability
-U             Check station urls, list only unplayable
--hwparams     Print ALSA hardware params
--btreset      Reset Bluetooth to off
--odcclear     Clear output device cache
--mpdlog       Print MPD log
--updlog       Print in-place update log
--mountmonlog  Print mount monitor log
--autocfglog   Print auto config update log
--sleepint     Print daemon sleep intervals
--mooderel     Print moOde release
--pirev        Print Pi revision
--osinfo       Print OS info
--version      Print program version
--help         Print this help text
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I get this
pi@moode:~ $ moodeutl -c
Scanning for SMB hosts...                SMB version: 3.1.1
pi@moode:~ $ moodeutl -C
Scanning SMB host...
No SMB shares found

while it is playing a track from that samba share!
(02-21-2025, 09:36 PM)s_mury Wrote: I get this
pi@moode:~ $ moodeutl -c
Scanning for SMB hosts...                SMB version: 3.1.1
pi@moode:~ $ moodeutl -C
Scanning SMB host...
No SMB shares found

while it is playing a track from that samba share!

Odd... no smb shares found. Must be some sort of config thing on the fritzbox.


I think if you use a moode host as your SMB NAS it will all just work :-)

ETA: Is there a way on the fritxbox DHCP service to assign an IP address for a given MAC address?
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Gone to bed now but I'll do it in the morning.

In any case, I think you are right. I should just move the samba to Moode.

Yes, the IP addresses can be fixed and I already have fixed them for my two Moode devices.
You don't say what model FRITZ!box you have but for many models I find the following datum in various AVM Knowledge documents

Quote:SMB versions supported by the FRITZ!Box

The FRITZ!Box supports version 1.0 of the network protocol SMB. The FRITZ!Box does not support versions 2 and 3 of the SMB protocol (SMB2, SMB3).

If you cannot use SMB 1.0 or do not want to, use http://fritz.nas or the FTP protocol to access the storage, for example with Cyberduck, FileZilla, or WinSCP.

This is absurd given that SMB 1.0 is so insecure that even Microsoft disabled it in Windows several major releases ago.

As the Knowledge document suggests, you might try FTP (I have no idea what http://fritz.nas is).

Otherwise, set up a different server. As already suggested, moOde can serve that function, but again, my personal preference a separate host running various services including SMB and FTP.

(02-21-2025, 09:41 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Try -C IP_ADDRESS

Same result.

Kent - I have the 5490. It supports up to v3. There is a flag in the settings to enable SMBv1.0 support. I had that off and it was working with the previous kernel version of moode as well as with the Pi zero.

One issue is that I am not able to update the firmware of the router myself. The company that manages the fibre optic network for the town does it. So it's a bit behind. But it again, it was working before with SMB vers>1.0. But the problems may be coincident with a pushed firmware update.
deleted post - I wrote too soon

i tried to share music with my Fritzbox NAS-feature too, i came up with the conclusion that this feature is nice if you use it not to often and you are not in hunting high transferpeeds. The transferspeed changed from under 2MB/s to nearby 30MB/s, ans its not fluctuating, on one day its slow, on anotherday its fast.
And when the Fritzbox updates its list whats on the NAS 8 i forgot what it was named ), then i had no access at all ( for a few minutes ).

So i decided to configure a share on a debian-based system running pihole. This works rocksolid and fast with not noticeable CPU-Load.

My 2 Cents, the FritzNAS is at least in my 7530AX NOT good/fast/reliable enough to use it for daily use..

Greets, Tom
Now that everything seems clear and _actually_ solved, could we just stop posting problems on a thread that has been marked SOLVED for the past two weeks already...?

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