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Problem: Update to 9.2.6 cancelled
Hi folks,

i run 9.2.5 on a Rasperry pi4, i tried to update to 9.2.6, but it cancelled..

20250308 140055 updater: Downloading package []
20250308 140056 updater: Start 2025-03-07 update for moOde
20250308 140056 updater: ** Step 01-32: Remove package hold
20250308 140056 updater: ** Step 02-32: Update package list
20250308 140103 updater: ** Step 03-32: Update Linux kernel to 6.6.74
20250308 140103 updater: ** - Kernel is current, no update required
20250308 140103 updater: ** Step 04-32: Install moode-player=9.2.6-1moode1
20250308 140116 updater: ** Step failed
20250308 140116 updater: ** Exiting update
20250308 140116 updater: Install failed, update cancelled

what's the problem?
Greets, Tom
I’ve already successfully upgraded two players this morning. We’re going to need more diagnostic info from those who fail. Maybe Tim has some thoughts?

I rebooted, now my system says its up to date ???
You never installed some third-party package (which might end up to be incompatible with the update...) do you?
It shows cancelled and after restarting not able to access moode player in chrome.
Just to say thanks for V9.2.6.
I updated just now, from 9.2.5, and all worked well - as expected!
Hi nutul,

i never installed something beside Moode, this installation was made in 9.04 or at least in this corner, afterwards i updated via the ui..
Now my system shows it is 9.2.6..

This release is: 9.2.6 2025-03-07

Greets, Tom
Same issue here. One of my pi4s was fine, the one I was listening to the radio on failed the same as above. Only difference between the 2 of mine is the one that succeeded is a v1.2 and the that failed is a v1.4.

Is there a way to manually re-apply the update?

What additional diag would help?
Same experience as #1 for me.
Restarting says I'm now up to date....and shows "This release is: 9.2.6 2025-03-07"
Same here.

20250308 182256 updater: Downloading package []
20250308 182257 updater: Start 2025-03-07 update for moOde
20250308 182257 updater: ** Step 01-32: Remove package hold
20250308 182258 updater: ** Step 02-32: Update package list
20250308 182303 updater: ** Step 03-32: Update Linux kernel to 6.6.74
20250308 182303 updater: ** - Kernel is current, no update required
20250308 182303 updater: ** Step 04-32: Install moode-player=9.2.6-1moode1
20250308 182429 updater: ** Step failed
20250308 182429 updater: ** Exiting update
20250308 182429 updater: Install failed, update cancelled


This release is: 9.2.6 2025-03-07


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