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(03-05-2025, 02:27 PM)skr91 Wrote: can the "host" (or I should say "server"?) Pi also play music on its own while another Pi ("client" ?) sources the music from it? or can it only perform one task at the time?
There shouldn't be an issue here, unless you go mad and have a lot of clients reading the same files at the same time.
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so I installed OMV on a spare rPi 3 I had at home to give it a try, if I succeed I'll buy a rPi 4 or 5 and repeat the install
I assume I'd better choose a static IP address as opposed to DHCP, so that I can point Moode to that address in the relevant settings and not worry of any changes.
If that is correct, do I do that just from the router menu, or do I need to change something inside OMV?
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03-07-2025, 04:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2025, 05:01 PM by TheOldPresbyope.
Edit Reason: ETA
(03-07-2025, 04:37 PM)skr91 Wrote: so I installed OMV on a spare rPi 3 I had at home to give it a try, if I succeed I'll buy a rPi 4 or 5 and repeat the install
I assume I'd better choose a static IP address as opposed to DHCP, so that I can point Moode to that address in the relevant settings and not worry of any changes.
If that is correct, do I do that just from the router menu, or do I need to change something inside OMV?
Be sure to read some OMV tutorials to understand the GUI. At first glance it can be rather confusing but it doesn't take long to get used to.
As for addressing, sure, you could give your OMV host a static IP address but that's mostly for convenience. Using the mDNS name, (myOMV.local, say) works fine. Two caveats:
1. when you say "so that I can point moOde to that address", "point" means you'll have to edit the source path manually in the Remote NAS Source screen to use "<the IP address>/share" rather that choose the "host/share" returned by the Path SCAN function.
ETA; to be clear, <the IP address> is a placekeeper for the actual IP address you assigned, such as, for example.
2. on my LAN only mDNS addressing works. The SCAN function function returns paths such as "myOMV/Music" but I manually edit that to "myOMV.local/Music" in order to mount the share.
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03-08-2025, 05:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-08-2025, 05:48 PM by skr91.)
It looks like it's ALMOST a complete success so thanks so much @ TheOldPresbyope, @ the_bertrum , @ Nutul , @ Tim Curtis and @ DRONE7 for all your support. Really appreciate it.
In the nest paragraph is the reason for the ALMOST, but first of all here is some information for those who might need to do what I did:
- in the Nas library menu in Moode I had to enter the omv nas ip address / shared folder name;
- the format then was IP address/folder. Nothing else;
- I did not enter the HD (which I had to do when using the fritzbox as a nas);
- in my case the shared folder was in the root of the HD, it was not a subfolder.
I'm not sure it's necessary or even useful, but just to be safe from the router menu I assigned a fixed IP address to the omv nas.
On the omv nas I set up 2 users, where the one corresponding to moode only has read privilege (the other, having read/write privileges might come in handy to add music. if not, I'll delete it)
As they will explain in the tutorials, make sure the omv nas is connected via Ethernet, not wifi
Be patient, the scan will take time and I had to restart it 3 or 4 times before I really got it going. My library is large, though
Yet, here is the last problem I'm having and this time I must assume the issue is with moode itself: If I open the shared folder from the Nas library, moode will show me ALMOST all folders, but not all of them.
The scenario is that in my library, each artist is a subfolder in the main music folder and each artist subfolder may contain a number of subfolders (where I have more than one album by the same artist).
So, in alphabetical order Moode fails to show all the artist subfolders commencing with W, X, Y and Z, plus a number of those commencing with V. Overall, it's 46 artist subfolders missing.
Here's the funny part: if I browse my network from the PC and access the Pi running moode, I get to view the Pi's folders. If I browse the NAS folder... well here are the artist subfoders that Moode's GUI doesn't show. In other words, Moode seems to have scanned the entire music folder and detected all the artist subfolders. Yet, in the GUI it will now show them all
If the issue is not with the GUI, what else could it be?
Should I open a new thread on this?
I restarted again the update and it's now showing 5 of the 46 missing artist subfolders. Plus, the blinking led on the HD enclosure tells me it's working.
So may be eventually it will show all the artist subfolders, yet the question remains: why is it that the GUI failed to show them all, while I could see them all by browsing the Pi's folders from my PC?
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What do you mean with "my library is large"?
1K albums, 10K albums?
Looks like it is taking some time to be built, so be patient and do not interrupt the process.
Also, bear in mind that moOde uses metadata tags to index (and populate) the library, so if some files are not tagged properly moOde will classify them all as "Unknown Artist"... you may want to look if you see such an artist, as it could be an indicator of missing tags.
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the library is about 5k albums and I certainly didn't expect the scan to complete in minutes
it took many hours as expected, but that's fine
I never interrupted it, but Moode did behave in a way I found a bit confusing
The busy wheel always kept on spinning, even when the hard drive was not being scanned (the led on the enclosure wasn't blinking and I'm positive the disk was idle), and there was no other perceivable activity for a long time (i.e. no matter how many times I hit the refresh icon no new albums were displayed in Moode's library screen).
So in spite of the busy wheel, Moode seemed not to be doing.
After some time of that I gave the "update folder" command, which Moode accepted (as opposed to when it's actually already scanning and the "scan in progress" error pops up). Upon giving the command, the HD would be reactivated and after some time more albums would be displayed in the library.
So my conclusion is that for some reason the scan stopped on its own before completing and had to be manually restarted a number of times.
It's no real trouble for the user, I just figured it's something new users may want to know before they go crazy on some wild goose chase
Thanks again for the support
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@ skr91
The library update process is done by a core component of moOde: the Music Player Daemon (MPD). The process can take a long time since it has to read every file in all the directories it can reach.
Facts which can contribute to the slowness of the update are* that you have an HD instead of an SSD and are using the USB 2.0 interface of the RPi 3B instead of a USB 3.0 interface such as are found on an RPi 4B / 5B. However, taking many hours and still being incomplete suggest other problems.
You haven't given much detail about this external HD. What is it and Is it adequately powered (preferably externally and not from the RPi 3B USB port)? An HD will typically have an IDE or SATA interface. What does yours have, how is it converted to a USB interface, and is it USB 2.0 only or is it USB 3.0 capable? Is the RPi 3B itself adequately powered, e.g., with an official Raspberry Pi power supply?
All this before we consider the file system on the HD and the permissions on the music files and all the music directories (and all their parent directories).
As an aside, the moOde Library Folder view is NOT the same as a traditional fire browser aka file manager found in the typical OS. It will display only the music files (and their containing directories) that were found by MPD.
*It goes without saying that the model of the RPi matters too but upgrading the RPi is not the way to resolve source issues.
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03-09-2025, 02:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2025, 02:56 PM by skr91.)
so the HD is a 7200rpm seagate running in its SATA enclosure with dedicated power supply . the enclosure itself has Usb 3.0 interface, but so far I'm using a rPi 3b+ which only has usb 2.0. .
it's a 2tb drive, with some 35gb of free space. the library is mainly Flacs, some APEs, a few Mp3s. maybe half the albums have Jpegs or other image files for the covers. I'm not aware that any files are corrupt
as far as I know the HD in good conditions and I checked it a couple of weeks ago. no bad sectors or other flaws were detected
the Pi has a 3.0A power supply and it's running smoothly, using a touch less of 30% RAM. as mentioned I've tested the whole setup with a Pi 3 B+ and will get a Pi4 or 5 soon even though the RAM usage makes me think the Pi3 is enough (at least as long as I use one client at the time, whereas probably it might not suffice if 2 or more devices were sourcing from the same Nas at once)
if I browse the HD from windows (hence SMB) it's quick and responsive
I should add that Moode in installed on another RP3b+ and that it was connected to the newtork via wifi. I had thought about connecting it via ethernet during the scan, but I didn't because lately I did so (running the scan via ethernet) with Volumio only to find that once I connected the RP via wifi it had to repeat the scan again. I don't now why, but that concerns Volumio and is probably beyond the scope of this forum. to avoid the risk of repeating the scan I simply connected the RP via wifi because that's how it will be used since it's part of a setup that sits in the middle of my living room and I don't want an ethernet cable across the floor.
given the speed of RP's wifi adapter, I think any concern with the Usb 2.0 port of the RP Nas is futile. To me the bottleneck is clearly the wifi adapter
As for the moOde library view not being the same as a traditional file browser, that's what I gathered when I noticed that the artist subfolders were in Moode's nas folder but not in the library view. the latter basically lags behind, and it actually makes sense. it's just something the novice may not consider until they stumble into it
again, no real trouble for me waiting hours for the initial full scan to complete. now it's playing fine. just my bit of advice for those who might encounter the same unexpected scanning stops. for me, simply restarting the scan (possibly 5 or 6 times) did the trick
I couldn't say why the newer versions of Moode need more than the fritzbox can give in terms of data transfer from the Nas, but as I recall from years back Moode wasn't as responsive as it is now with the RP Nas so the upgraded setup is more than welcome
In my case the RP Nas and the HD now sit in another room, next to an RJ45 outlet available next to a shelf
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@ skr91
As a rough and ready estimate of the time expected for moOde to update the libary from a remote NAS containing ca 5000 albums, I just did a test on a smaller scale here.
moOde 9.2.6 on an RPi 3A+ connected to my LAN via 5 GHz WiFi and located a long way from the LAN access point.
OMV 7.6 on an RPi 5B with SSD on a PCIe interface and connected to my LAN via Ethernet.
The SSD contains 8035 tracks by 754 artists, organized in 543 albums. There is cover art associated with most albums and embedded in many tracks. (Actually, I scanned the whole library which includes the Stereo test track included in moOde, so my counts are probably off by 1 or so.)
It took moOde/MPD about 6-1/2 minutes to update the library.
Since you have roughly ten times the number of albums one might reasonably expect it to take 10 * 6-1/2 minutes or something over an hour to complete at a minimum. I don't know how much longer to expect with an HD and USB 2.0 interface.
You can track the progress of the update from the terminal of your moOde player with the command
Code: tail -f /var/log/mpd/log
Here, for example, is what I see in the setup I cited above
Code: rho@moodey:~ $ tail -f /var/log/mpd/log
Mar 09 10:19 : update: added NAS/OMV1-Music1/World/Ravi Shankar/In London/03 Ravi Shankar - Raga Ramkali.flac
Mar 09 10:19 : update: added NAS/OMV1-Music1/World/Ravi Shankar/In London/01 Ravi Shankar - Raga Hamsadhwani.flac
Mar 09 10:19 : update: added NAS/OMV1-Music1/World/Ravi Shankar/In London/02 Ravi Shankar - Dhun Kafi.flac
Mar 09 10:19 : update: added NAS/OMV1-Music1/World/Inti-Illimani - John Williams - Paco Peña/Fragments Of A Dream/06 Inti-Illimani - John Williams - Paco Peña - Fragmentos De Un Sueno.flac
and it continues ad nauseum until the update is complete.
You can check its statistics with an mpc command from the terminal. Continuing with my example:
Code: rho@moodey:~ $ mpc stats
Artists: 754
Albums: 543
Songs: 6035
Play Time: 0 days, 2:12:45
Uptime: 0 days, 2:12:47
DB Updated: Sun Mar 9 09:24:51 2025
DB Play Time: 21 days, 13:42:34
You can see what moOde was doing during the update by looking at /var/log/moode.log
For example, here's what I see for the above library update operation
Code: rho@moodey:~ $ cat /var/log/moode.log
20250309 101905 worker: Job update_library
20250309 101905 mpdindex: Start
20250309 101905 mpdindex: Cmd (update)
20250309 101906 thumb-gen: Start
20250309 101906 thumb-gen: Scan opt: Default
20250309 101906 thumb-gen: Priority: Embedded cover
20250309 101906 thumb-gen: Res,Qual: 600px,60
20250309 101906 thumb-gen: Px ratio: 1
20250309 101906 thumb-gen: Th width: 600
20250309 101906 thumb-gen: Thm qual: 60
20250309 101906 thumb-gen: Scanning: NAS, NVME, SATA, SDCARD
20250309 102333 thumb-gen: Error: File does not contain ID3v2 tag of supported version: v2.2: NAS/OMV1-Music1/James and the Giant Peach Album/20 Everywhere That You Are (Megan Hilty).mp3
20250309 102428 thumb-gen: Done: 541 folders scanned, 538 thumbs created, 3 already in cache.
20250309 102524 mpdindex: Done: indexed 754 artists, 543 albums, 6035 songs
20250309 102524 worker: Job update_library done
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I'll look for the log
Supposing there was a glitch of some sort, would I find some error warning?
Are you using a wifi dongle to have wifi 5ghz on a rp3?
Does it make a tangible difference when playing music with Moode?
My rp3 is close to the router with no walls in between
I must say the system now is smooth and quick, evidently sourcing the data via the fritzbox ' Nas service was a bottleneck