04-27-2018, 07:33 AM
I have written an OLED display for MPD-based players and I am trying to provide instructions for installing it on Moode.
Code: https://github.com/antiprism/mpd_oled
Demonstration video: https://youtu.be/6pgxGQIAX9s
The spectrum analyser reads data from an MPD FIFO, so I would like to add add an audio_output FIFO section to /etc/mpd.conf
Is it possible to make the FIFO survive MPD reconfiguration via the Moode UI?
[ For RuneAudio, which also regenerates /etc/mpd.conf, I was advised that I would have to change the RuneAudio code to insert the FIFO configuration text when mpd.conf was regenerated, and I have provided a patch to do this as part of the installation instructions for that system. ]
I have written an OLED display for MPD-based players and I am trying to provide instructions for installing it on Moode.
Code: https://github.com/antiprism/mpd_oled
Demonstration video: https://youtu.be/6pgxGQIAX9s
The spectrum analyser reads data from an MPD FIFO, so I would like to add add an audio_output FIFO section to /etc/mpd.conf
audio_output {
type "fifo"
name "mpd_oled_FIFO"
path "/tmp/mpd_oled_fifo"
format "44100:16:2"
#buffer_time "500000"
Is it possible to make the FIFO survive MPD reconfiguration via the Moode UI?
[ For RuneAudio, which also regenerates /etc/mpd.conf, I was advised that I would have to change the RuneAudio code to insert the FIFO configuration text when mpd.conf was regenerated, and I have provided a patch to do this as part of the installation instructions for that system. ]