09-14-2019, 07:53 PM
I just switched from Volumio to moOde audio. I have two rotary encoders connected to my RPi which worked fine with Volumio.
Sadly, in moOde only one roatary encoder can be configured out-of-the-box.
Not a big deal I thought and wanted to get my second rotary encoder working. For testing I wanted to change the brightness of the connected touchscreen.
So this is what I set up:
1. Create a bash script in the home dir called brightness.sh:
Calling the script manually with sudo works like a charm.
2. I copied the rotenc.c source and modified it:
3. Compiled and started the code:
My two rotary encoders are connected to GPIOs 23, 24 and 22, 27 (in wiringPi numbering scheme).
I configured the encoder on pins 22 and 27 in moOde and works as expected to change the volume.
Now my problem is as follows:
As soon as I run the program with sudo, I'm getting no sound from my speakers anymore.
The volume stays unmodified in the main screen, moOde keeps showing its playing and the elapsed time of the currently playing song continues.
When I turn my encoder for volume control, the displayed volume changes, but does not end the silence.
To restore sound, I need to reboot the system.
Also, my new "rotenc_disp" program does nothing. It starts, gives debug info (pin_a and pin_b are 24 and 23, so thats ok) and prints "Start".
When turning the encoder, absolutely nothing happens. Obviously the wiringPI ISR does not get called.
What am I doing wrong here? I don't see any reason for this behaviour (and why my modified program is not working), what am I overlooking here?
I hope somebody can point me at my mistake.
best regards,
I just switched from Volumio to moOde audio. I have two rotary encoders connected to my RPi which worked fine with Volumio.
Sadly, in moOde only one roatary encoder can be configured out-of-the-box.
Not a big deal I thought and wanted to get my second rotary encoder working. For testing I wanted to change the brightness of the connected touchscreen.
So this is what I set up:
1. Create a bash script in the home dir called brightness.sh:
VAL=`cat /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/brightness`
echo $VAL
if (( $VAL < 0 )); then VAL=0; elif (( $VAL > 255 )); then VAL=255; fi
echo $VAL > /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/brightness
echo $VAL > /tmp/brightness
Calling the script manually with sudo works like a charm.
2. I copied the rotenc.c source and modified it:
* moOde audio player (C) 2014 Tim Curtis
* http://moodeaudio.org
* This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Compilation:
* sudo gcc -std=c99 rotenc.c -orotenc -lwiringPi
* NOTE: std=c99 required if using ‘for’ loop initial declarations
* Usage:
* rotenc <poll_interval> <accel_factor> <volume_step> <pin_a> <pin_b> <print_debug 1|2>
* rotenc 100 2 3 4 5 1
* 2019-09-05 TC moOde 6.2.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>
static volatile int current_pos = 0;
static volatile int last_pos = 0;
static volatile int current_state;
static volatile int last_state = 0;
static volatile int pin_a = 4; // wiringPi pin numbering
static volatile int pin_b = 5;
static volatile int str_buf_size = (sizeof(int) * 8) + 1;
static volatile int isr_active = FALSE;
static volatile int print_isr_debug = FALSE;
// Function prototypes
void encoder_isr();
void int_to_bin(int bit_mask, char *str_buf, int str_buf_size, char *bin_str);
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// Defaults
int poll_interval = 100; // milliseconds
int accel_factor = 2;
int volume_step = 3;
int print_debug = 1;
// Print program version and exit
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) {
printf("rotenc.c version: 1.2 \n");
// Override defaults with values from input args if they are present
if (argc > 1) {
poll_interval = atoi(argv[1]);
accel_factor = atoi(argv[2]);
volume_step = atoi(argv[3]);
pin_a = atoi(argv[4]);
pin_b = atoi(argv[5]);
if (argc > 6) {
int tmp = atoi(argv[6]);
if (tmp > 0) print_debug = TRUE;
if (tmp == 2) print_isr_debug = TRUE;
printf("print_debug: %d \n", print_debug);
printf("print_isr_debug: %d \n", print_isr_debug);
if (print_debug) {
printf("poll_interval: %d \n", poll_interval);
printf("accel_factor: %d \n", accel_factor);
printf("volume_step: %d \n", volume_step);
printf("pin_a: %d \n", pin_a);
printf("pin_b: %d \n", pin_b);
// Format volume step command strings
char cmd_up_more[33];
char cmd_dn_more[33];
char volume_step_str[1];
strcpy(cmd_up_more, "/var/www/command/rotvol.sh -up ");
strcpy(cmd_dn_more, "/var/www/command/rotvol.sh -dn ");
sprintf(volume_step_str, "%d", volume_step);
strcat(cmd_up_more, volume_step_str);
strcat(cmd_dn_more, volume_step_str);
// Setup GPIO
pinMode(pin_a, INPUT);
pinMode(pin_b, INPUT);
pullUpDnControl(pin_a, PUD_UP); // Turn on pull-up resistors
pullUpDnControl(pin_b, PUD_UP);
wiringPiISR(pin_a, INT_EDGE_BOTH, &encoder_isr);
wiringPiISR(pin_b, INT_EDGE_BOTH, &encoder_isr);
if (print_debug) printf("Start \n");
// Polling loop for updating volume
while(1) {
if (current_pos > last_pos) {
if (print_debug) printf("+ %d \n", (current_pos - last_pos));
if ((current_pos - last_pos) < accel_factor) {
system("/home/pi/brightness.sh +5");
else {
system("/home/pi/brightness.sh +10");
else if (current_pos < last_pos) {
if (print_debug) printf("- %d \n", (last_pos - current_pos));
if ((last_pos - current_pos) < accel_factor) {
system("/home/pi/brightness.sh -5");
else {
system("/home/pi/brightness.sh -10");
last_pos = current_pos;
// Interrupt service routine (ISR)
// Check transition from last_state to current_state to determine encoder direction
void encoder_isr() {
char str_buf[str_buf_size];
str_buf[str_buf_size - 1] = '\0';
char bin_str[5];
bin_str[4] = '\0';
if (isr_active == TRUE) return;
isr_active = TRUE;
int pin_a_state = digitalRead(pin_a);
int pin_b_state = digitalRead(pin_b);
int current_state = (pin_a_state << 1) | pin_b_state; // 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011
int bit_mask = (last_state << 2) | current_state; // 00xx, 01xx, 10xx, 11xx
if (print_isr_debug) int_to_bin(bit_mask, str_buf, str_buf_size, bin_str);
// CW state transitions (hex d, b, 4, 2)
if (bit_mask == 0b1101 || bit_mask == 0b1011 || bit_mask == 0b0100 || bit_mask == 0b0010) {
if (print_isr_debug) printf("up %s %x %d \n", bin_str, bit_mask, current_pos);
// CCW state transitions (hex e, 8, 7, 1)
else if (bit_mask == 0b1110 || bit_mask == 0b1000 || bit_mask == 0b0111 || bit_mask == 0b0001) {
if (print_isr_debug) printf("dn %s %x %d \n", bin_str, bit_mask, current_pos);
// The remaining state transitions represent (a) no state transition (b) both pins swapped states
else {
if (print_isr_debug) printf("-- %s %x \n", bin_str, bit_mask);
last_state = current_state;
isr_active = FALSE;
// Integer to binary string
// Write to the buffer backwards so that the binary representation is in the correct MSB...LSB order
// str_buf must have size >= sizeof(int) + 1
void int_to_bin(int bit_mask, char *str_buf, int str_buf_size, char *bin_str) {
str_buf += (str_buf_size - 2);
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
*str_buf-- = (bit_mask & 1) + '0';
bit_mask >>= 1;
memcpy(bin_str, &str_buf[str_buf_size - 4], 4);
//return subBuf;
* Pin A/B bit_mask
* last_AB|current_AB
* States that indicate encoder is turning
* 0001 = 1 DN, B goes low to high, A low
* 0111 = 7 DN, A goes low to high, B high
* 1000 = 8 DN, A goes high to low, B low
* 1110 = e DN, B goes high to low, A high
* 0010 = 2 UP, A goes low to high, B low
* 0100 = 4 UP, B goes high to low, A low
* 1011 = b UP, B goes low to high, A high
* 1101 = d UP, A goes high to low, B high
* States where encoder direction can't be determined
* 0000 = 0 no change
* 0101 = 5 no change
* 1010 = a no change
* 1111 = f no change
* 0011 = 3 both go high
* 0110 = 6 both switch states
* 1001 = 9 both switch states
* 1100 = c both go low
3. Compiled and started the code:
gcc -std=c99 ./rotenc.c -o rotenc_disp -lwiringPi
sudo ./rotenc_disp 100 2 3 24 23 2
My two rotary encoders are connected to GPIOs 23, 24 and 22, 27 (in wiringPi numbering scheme).
I configured the encoder on pins 22 and 27 in moOde and works as expected to change the volume.
Now my problem is as follows:
As soon as I run the program with sudo, I'm getting no sound from my speakers anymore.
The volume stays unmodified in the main screen, moOde keeps showing its playing and the elapsed time of the currently playing song continues.
When I turn my encoder for volume control, the displayed volume changes, but does not end the silence.
To restore sound, I need to reboot the system.
Also, my new "rotenc_disp" program does nothing. It starts, gives debug info (pin_a and pin_b are 24 and 23, so thats ok) and prints "Start".
When turning the encoder, absolutely nothing happens. Obviously the wiringPI ISR does not get called.
What am I doing wrong here? I don't see any reason for this behaviour (and why my modified program is not working), what am I overlooking here?
I hope somebody can point me at my mistake.
best regards,