01-04-2020, 12:18 PM
Hello everybody ! Happy new year :-)
I'm looking for some help:
I've a little script that i want to be ran at every moode audio startup: it import my palaylist and "convert" them for moode-audio.
i'v tried to add this at startup in this file:
/home/pi/playlist_importer.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
but once i reboot Moode audio services dont start (MPC).
Am i doing it wrong? Is there a way for this? Many thanks for your help:-)
I'm looking for some help:
I've a little script that i want to be ran at every moode audio startup: it import my palaylist and "convert" them for moode-audio.
i'v tried to add this at startup in this file:
/home/pi/playlist_importer.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
but once i reboot Moode audio services dont start (MPC).
echo "suppression des anciennes playlists"
rm -f /home/pi/imported_playlists/*
rm -f /var/lib/mpd/playlists/*
echo "importation des playlists"
mkdir /home/pi/imported_playlists/
sudo sshpass -p "password" sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "user@nas:/sharedfolders/playlists/* /home/pi/imported_playlists/"
echo "changement de repertoire"
cd /home/pi/imported_playlists/
echo "renommage et conversion:"
rename -f 's/.m3u8/.m3u/' *.m3u8
echo "Modification du chemin dans les playlists"
sed -i 's#/airsonic#NAS#g; s#music#Musique#g' *.m3u
echo "playlists renommées - copie dans le dossier d'exploitation"
cp -f /home/pi/imported_playlists/* /var/lib/mpd/playlists/
echo "Mise a jour de la bibliotheque"
mpc update
Am i doing it wrong? Is there a way for this? Many thanks for your help:-)