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reconnect sound device / usb sound card
hey hey
after installing 7.0.1 the USB sound card isn't reconnected after plugging it out & again in. I need to change the MPD-configuration (from Pi Headphone Jack to USB) & a restart is needed.

In the former 6x release the USB sound card was reconnected & activated flawlessly.

Is the 7.0.1-behaviour intended or is there any way of making the old behaviour the standard again?

i want to use just one sound card for different purposes to save some resources (or i don't see a big benefit of "owning"  more than one Smile)

This is fixed in upcoming moOde 7.1.0 release. Configured USB audio output in MPD Config will persist even when device is turned off or disconnected, and also across reboots. Reconnecting the device works fine in testing but it takes some seconds before the device is recognized again.

The fix also enables switching between HDMI, Headphone, USB devices without rebooting. The only case where a reboot is needed is if swapping between USB and I2S audio device. This is because I2S devices load a kernel driver and this requires a reboot but maybe someone knows a way to load and unload the driver on-demand.
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Great, this is what i'm looking for! Smile

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