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Dual-Mono with Hifiberry AMP2

I'm quite new to Hifiberry and moodeaudio.

Is it possible to use one Hifiberry AMP2 which runs moodeaudio to playback
a different audio stream on each of the two outputs?

The setup described on
works for me using aplay as described.

But I don't know if  it's possible to configure moodeaudio with the two dual
mono setup.

Basically I would like to be able to playback different music in different rooms.

Thank you very much for your help!

I imagine it would be possible to set the ALSA components such that they see each channel as a different device, but your problem then would be getting MPD to play two things at once, which I think would mean running two instances of MPD, which if even possible isn't something moOde provides a method to do.

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