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Use of ReplayGain preamp
Hi. Still using V 7.3.0, very happy with it. 
Ive been experimenting a bit with ReplayGain in MPD config UI. I am not sure I understand the purpose of the ReplayGain preamp parameter. Ive set ReplayGain to “Track”, which, as expected, seems to be adjusting the volume using the value in the track ReplayGain tag.
Then if volume if being adjusted using the Album or Track ReplayGain value, what’s the purpose of the ReplayGain preamp parameter? Info says “The gain (in dB) applied to songs with ReplayGain tags. Range is -15 to 15”. Isn’t is using the value either the Album or Track tag?
I think it might be acting as a global +/- to volume.

What happens when you try it?
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Seems to be doing pre amp

Apologies for taking so long


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