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Move MoOde SDcard to another RPi?

Just a question, I purchased a new RPi4 2GB which I want to start using for MoOde. Currently I have a RPi4 4GB with MoOde, can I just move the SD card from the current RPi4 4GB to the new RPi4 2GB?

I guess the hardware will get another IP address from the router, but is that the only thing I will need to change?
You can move it to any Pi in the family. Just note that for models less than the 3B you would need to be using the Legacy 32-bit moOde image.

Right, since the new Pi will have unique MAC addresses for its WiFi and Ethernet interfaces you would need to update any applicable DHCP reservations in your Router.
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(10-11-2022, 11:10 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: You can move it to any Pi in the family. Just note that for models less than the 3B you would need to be using the Legacy 32-bit moOde image.

Right, since the new Pi will have unique MAC addresses for its WiFi and Ethernet interfaces you would need to update any applicable DHCP reservations in your Router.

Thanks Tim!

I'm moving from RPi4 to RPi4 only difference is the amount of memory so that should be ok then
(10-11-2022, 11:10 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: You can move it to any Pi in the family. Just note that for models less than the 3B you would need to be using the Legacy 32-bit moOde image.

Right, since the new Pi will have unique MAC addresses for its WiFi and Ethernet interfaces you would need to update any applicable DHCP reservations in your Router.

I got the new RPi4 2GB yesterday and just swapped the SD card.
I indeed had to find the new IP but it works brilliantly, had no idea it would be this easy, thanks again Tim!

By the way, I have it in another case from Joy-IT now. This one keeps the RPi even cooler than the previous Flirc case! Advantage of the Flirc case is the rubber feet actually, it prevents sliding off things....
The case looks gorgeous!!!
only... will need cable-ethernet, or an external wifi dongle, as the aluminium will shield the internal one...
(10-12-2022, 09:23 AM)Nutul Wrote: The case looks gorgeous!!!
only... will need cable-ethernet, or an external wifi dongle, as the aluminium will shield the internal one...

Not sure, I've been using both cases without ethernet cable, no issues on wifi (5GHz) whatsoever.

Always 100% signal quality, but I have to say, the wifi AP is within 1-2 meters....

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