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Problem: Timeout before AP mode
Is there a way to increase the timeout before a moOde audio device switches into AP mode?

Here's my problem: We sometimes get power outages, and the whole house reboots. The RasPIs reboot very quickly, much faster than the router does, so they can't connect to the router and flip into AP mode. I'd like them to wait a bit more before doing so.

(yes, I know, I could put a UPS on the router and cable modem, but I'd like to find a solution that doesn't require buying something). 

Menu, Configure, System

Address timeout. Set this to 120 (seconds) and if this is not long enough then increase it to >120 using the command below.

# Update to > 120
moodeutl -q "update cfg_system set value='180' where param='ipaddr_timeout'"

# Reset to default of 90
moodeutl -q "update cfg_system set value='90' where param='ipaddr_timeout'"

# Print current value
moodeutl -q "select value from cfg_system where param='ipaddr_timeout'"
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Thanks, Tim!

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