Here's some info on the upcoming end-of-year release(s)
There may be more than one release depending on the Pi-5 / RaspiOS Bookworm release timing and scope of work to build and integration test the new OS.
Here are current WIP moOde 8.3.7 release notes.
- New Shairport-sync 4.3.1 and Nqptp 1.2.4 solve previous issues including occasional audio glitches.
- Lots of nice improvements and refinements to the WebUI
- Some important bug fixes
Audio info button on renderer overlay
ALSA output rate in extra metadata
Artist in Folder view (when artist != AlbumArtist)
DSDNN badging
Radio view bitrate sort descending
Peripherals Config
CamillaDSP menu bling
There may be more than one release depending on the Pi-5 / RaspiOS Bookworm release timing and scope of work to build and integration test the new OS.
Here are current WIP moOde 8.3.7 release notes.
- New Shairport-sync 4.3.1 and Nqptp 1.2.4 solve previous issues including occasional audio glitches.
- Lots of nice improvements and refinements to the WebUI
- Some important bug fixes
Audio info button on renderer overlay
ALSA output rate in extra metadata
Artist in Folder view (when artist != AlbumArtist)
DSDNN badging
Radio view bitrate sort descending
Peripherals Config
CamillaDSP menu bling
# 2023-MM-DD TC moOde 8.3.7
- UPD: Bump to shairport-sync 4.3.1
- UPD: Bump to NQPTP 1.2.4
- UPD: Bump to Fontawesome 6.4.2 Pro and update specific icons
- UPD: Add comparison operators =~ and !~ (PERL regex) to Library Adv search
- UPD: Add DSDNN badge for DSF/DFF/WavPack DSD formats
- UPD: Add WavPack format to Default/Default+ options for Prefs, Thumbgen scan
- UPD: Add Receivers btn on renderer overlay when connecting to Multiroom sender
- UPD: Add Audio info button on renderer overlay
- UPD: Add channel count to extra metadata
- UPD: Add ALSA output format (output) to extra metadata
- UPD: Add Artist under Title in Folder view (if Artist not = AlbumArtist)
- UPD: Improve metadata layout in CoverView wide mode
- UPD: Improve sort headings in Radio and Playlist views
- UPD: Improve bitrate sort in Radio view (sort high to low)
- UPD: Improve GPIO Config help and labels
- UPD: Replace bogus title tag " - " in NTS Live stations with default title
- UPD: Show "Radio station" for stations that don't transmit a title tag
- UPD: Standardize display style for encodedAt and ALSA output formats
- UPD: Move Local Display and Peripherals from System to Peripherals Config
Bug fixes
- FIX: Tag/Album sync (auto-scroll then highlight item) not working
- FIX: WavPack format information not correct in Library and Audio info
- FIX: MPD mixer reverts to "software' after disconnecting bluetooth device
- FIX: Backup/Restore missing Prefs, Library, Track play setting
- FIX: Restore not updating buffer size in /etc/bluealsaaplay.conf