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Idea: More touch-optimized Skin for small displays to control directly at the Raspberry Pi.
Hi folks!

first i want to thank the developers for their great work, MoOde is a great piece of software!
But in my Usecase i think the usability with a 7" Touchscreen can be improved..

What about the idea to change ( via an fat finger option ) the Volumcontrole to a slider which fills the whole width of the display?
Positioned at the bottom of the Display, cutting away a bit of the playlist on the left.
Perhaps starting in the bottom left corner with a mute-Button, than a "- / lower volume" Button, followed by a slider, bottom right the "+ /increase volume" Button.

In the middle section, above the slider the "random" , "Albumview" / "favorite" button. Perhaps a bit bigger for my fat fingers.

For me, it would be ok if the change affects the browserview too.

And because it's part of the problem, at the Raspberry Pi with 7" Display, i zoom in to make the Skin mor useable,
but the Zoomfactor insn't saved, the next time i boot up MoOde, its again the 100% Zoom.
Can i modify a file to change my Zoom permanently?

Thank you for your effort!

Greets, Thomas
(12-12-2023, 07:51 PM)muddiver Wrote: What about the idea to change ( via an fat finger option ) the Volumcontrole to a slider which fills the whole width of the display?

Isn't it the "rotary" slider big enough even for fatty fingers? I say that because when I used the software volume control that way on my 7'', it was a good experience, and my fingers are not that thin either. Then, there are already two "buttons", enough far apart, for volume-up and -down, their step configurable...

It's not that this change couldn't be restricted to the 7'' local display only (well, it would affect ANY display with the very same resolution, local or remote, think of a tablet for instance...), but IMO is a critical refactor in terms of development.
The same goes, e.g., for the playback progress bar in the library views; it's very tiny and not really precise/responsive, at least on the 7'' (go figure on an iPhone 7) but refactoring it would require a big effort at UI level, repositioning and resizing a consistent number of visual (and not-so-visual) components.
Then, I am not here to disguise your request; see what other people-that-matter have to comment in regard Smile
The challenge is that the WebUI is not a skin based UI i.e., designed with replaceable UI layouts in mind and so creating an alternate layout for the Desktop/Tablet version of the WebUI would be a substantial work effort.

For tablets and phones the controls (knobs, icons, buttons, etc) and text are basically Smartphone sized because thats what most people are used to already.

How are you applying zoom to the 7" touch?
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Hi folks!

Thanks for the information, i didn't knew the skin is such a great effort..

I apply zoom to the 7" Display, but the zoom isn't saved when i restart the system.
So i have to zoom in after every reboot. I normally zoom in till the Volumecontrol disappears.

if i could modify a file to force the system to start with Zoom= 130%, that would help too!
Is ther a possibility to save the zoom somewhere?

Greets, Thomas
(12-13-2023, 04:17 PM)muddiver Wrote: Is ther a possibility to save the zoom somewhere?

We can look into this later...

meanwhile, Tim was curious about HOW you zoom-in on the 7'' - pinching?
Hi Al,

i have a little USB Keyboard connected to the USB-Board,like the one in the link..

I hold "Ctrl" and press "+" to zoom in.. 
I know , it's old fashioned, but i haven't figured out how to do it in another way...

Greets, Thomas
(12-13-2023, 05:32 PM)muddiver Wrote: i have a little USB Keyboard connected to the USB-Board,like the one in the link.
Yep, cool,

couldn't have thought of it... in the beginning I too used to have a small keyboard hooked to it... now only web-interface.

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