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Cloudsmith graciously provides open-source package management and distribution for our project.

Hello guys, I'm Doogle, carpenter and electrician from the UK, I've only just discovered moode and I'm using it for playing my ripped CD collection in my new workshop I've just built, seeing as I work alone and normally with very fiddly time consuming projects it's perfect to really enjoy the superior sound quality compared to Spotify streams. But I also love how it has Spotify connect for audio books and my more eclectic tastes that I'd rather not keep on CD

Aside from moode I also have Pi's as 1) PiHole, Nas, temperature and humidity sensor. And 2) Emulation station for retro gaming

I still have no idea what I am doing most of the time in the terminal though haha

Thanks for reading, hope you have a great day!
Welcome. Your workshop sounds like a great place to work Smile
Hi, and welcome aboard!

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