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Solved: Restoring a backup of MoOde settings
After burning a fresh image of MoOde I did restore the settings from a backup (9.2.3) to the fresh 9.2.3
The setting:  Radio Manager --> Stream Monitor --> Service was not restored and default to off.
100% certain that that setting was switched on.
In the backup "" I used to restore I can not find if this setting is actually present in the backup. 
In stations_data.json the setting "Monitor" for each station is present.
In the codeblock the content of the moodecfg.ini
; ###############################################
; Copy this file to /boot/moodecfg.ini
; It will be applied during startup followed by
; an automatic reboot to finalize the settings.
; Created: 2025-01-10 18:13:15
; Release: 9.2.2 2025-01-08
; ###############################################

browsertitle = "Raspberrypi Player"
hostname = "raspberrypi"
btname = "Raspberrypi Bluetooth"
airplayname = "Raspberrypi AirPlay"
spotifyname = "Raspberrypi Spotify"
deezername = "Raspberrypi Deezer"
squeezelitename = "Raspberrypi"
upnpname = "Raspberrypi UPNP"
dlnaname = "Raspberrypi DLNA"

updater_auto_check = "Off"
keyboard = "us"
worker_responsiveness = "Default"
cpugov = "ondemand"
pi_audio_driver = "vc4-kms-v3d"
pci_express = "off"
fan_temp0 = "50,45,75"
p3wifi = "0"
p3bt = "0"
led_state = "0,0"
ipaddr_timeout = "90"
eth0chk = "0"

[File sharing]
fs_smb = "On"
fs_nfs = "Off"
fs_nfs_access = ""
fs_nfs_options = "rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash"

shellinabox = "0"

log2ram = "on"

[Network (eth0)]
ethmethod = "static"
ethipaddr = ""
ethnetmask = ""
ethgateway = ""
ethpridns = ""
ethsecdns = ""

[Network (wlan0)]
wlanmethod = "static"
wlanipaddr = ""
wlannetmask = ""
wlangateway = ""
wlanpridns = ""
wlansecdns = ""
wlanssid = "Pi3-In"
wlanuuid = "dd840b85-e2e0-4e36-a8b0-6c0f73bcb4d8"
wlanpwd = ""
wlanpsk = "08fd1b7ebaa91cd26f3f5748535032498165b0c9c277ae9cf45fe2746e2ac30a"
wlancountry = "NL"
ssid_ssid[0] = "Pi3-In"
ssid_uuid[0] = "dd840b85-e2e0-4e36-a8b0-6c0f73bcb4d8"
ssid_psk[0] = "08fd1b7ebaa91cd26f3f5748535032498165b0c9c277ae9cf45fe2746e2ac30a"

[Network (apd0)]
apdssid = "Raspberrypi"
apdpwd = ""
apduuid = "5dbc3788-5432-481e-81c9-db233441dd74"
apdpsk = "62e09f1c049bd630f093b45244339c781f26e4443eb9d05fcdfec254c8cc2a9e"
apdaddr = ""

[Audio Device]
adevname = "Allo Piano 2.1 Hi-Fi DAC"
mpdmixer = "none"
i2soverlay = "None"
i2sdevice = "Allo Piano 2.1 Hi-Fi DAC"

cardnum = "2"
amixname = "Master"
alsa_output_mode = "hw"
alsavolume_max = "100"
alsa_loopback = "Off"

device = "2"
mixer_type = "none"
audio_output_format = "192000:32:2"
selective_resample_mode = "11"
sox_quality = "high"
sox_multithreading = "0"
sox_precision = "20"
sox_phase_response = "50"
sox_passband_end = "95"
sox_stopband_begin = "100"
sox_attenuation = "0"
sox_flags = "0"
dop = "no"
replaygain = "off"
replaygain_preamp = "0"
volume_normalization = "no"
audio_buffer_size = "4096"
max_output_buffer_size = "131072"
max_playlist_length = "16384"
input_cache = "Disabled"
log_level = "default"
stop_dsd_silence = "no"
thesycon_dsd_workaround = "no"

[MPD Options]
autoplay = "1"
mpdcrossfade = "0"
crossfeed = "Off"
invert_polarity = "0"
volume_step_limit = "5"
volume_mpd_max = "100"
volume_db_display = "1"
ashufflesvc = "0"
ashuffle_mode = "Track"
ashuffle_window = "7"
ashuffle_filter = "None"
ashuffle_exclude = "None"
mpd_httpd = "0"
mpd_httpd_port = "8000"
mpd_httpd_encoder = "lame"

camilladsp = "off"
camilladsp_volume_sync = "off"
camilladsp_quickconv = "0,Sennheiser_HD800S_L_44100Hz_32b.raw,Sennheiser_HD800S_R_44100Hz_32b.raw,S32LE"
cdsp_fix_playback = "Yes"

[Parametric EQ]
eqfa12p = "Off"
eqp12_curve_name[0] = "Default curve"
eqp12_settings[0] = "0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0 20 1 0  0"
eqp12_active[0] = "No"

[Graphic EQ]
alsaequal = "Off"
eqg_curve_name[0] = "Flat"
eqg_curve_values[0] = "60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60"
eqg_curve_name[1] = "Lo Boost"
eqg_curve_values[1] = "60,72,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60"
eqg_curve_name[2] = "Lo Boost Plus"
eqg_curve_values[2] = "68,78,68,60,60,60,60,60,60,60"
eqg_curve_name[3] = "Hi Boost"
eqg_curve_values[3] = "60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,72,60"
eqg_curve_name[4] = "Hi Boost Plus"
eqg_curve_values[4] = "60,60,60,60,60,60,60,68,78,68"
eqg_curve_name[5] = "Hi-Lo Boost"
eqg_curve_values[5] = "60,72,60,60,60,60,60,60,72,60"
eqg_curve_name[6] = "Hi-Lo Boost Plus"
eqg_curve_values[6] = "68,78,68,60,60,60,60,68,78,68"
eqg_curve_name[7] = "Midrange Suppress"
eqg_curve_values[7] = "60,60,60,60,39,39,60,60,60,60"
eqg_curve_name[8] = "Shallow V"
eqg_curve_values[8] = "60,68,60,54,44,44,54,60,68,60"
eqg_curve_name[9] = "Classic V"
eqg_curve_values[9] = "60,72,60,60,39,39,60,60,72,60"
eqg_curve_name[10] = "Classic V Plus"
eqg_curve_values[10] = "68,78,68,60,39,39,60,68,78,68"
eqg_curve_name[11] = "Vinyl Touch"
eqg_curve_values[11] = "60,66,62,61,60,60,60,54,48,68"
eqg_curve_name[12] = "Vinyl Touch Plus"
eqg_curve_values[12] = "60,68,64,60,60,60,60,46,41,68"

btsvc = "0"
rsmafterbt = "0"
airplaysvc = "0"
rsmafterapl = "No"
spotifysvc = "0"
rsmafterspot = "No"
deezersvc = "0"
rsmafterdeez = "No"
slsvc = "0"
rsmaftersl = "No"
pasvc = "0"
rsmafterpa = "No"
rbsvc = "0"
rsmafterrb = "No"

alsavolume_max_bt = "100"
cdspvolume_max_bt = "0"
bluez_pcm_buffer = "500000"
audioout = "Local"
alsa_output_mode_bt = "_audioout"

airplay_interpolation = "soxr"
airplay_output_format = "S16"
airplay_output_rate = "44100"
airplay_allow_session_interruption = "no"
airplay_session_timeout = "120"
airplay_audio_backend_latency_offset_in_seconds = "0.0"
airplay_audio_backend_buffer_desired_length_in_seconds = "0.2"

[Spotify Connect]
spotify_bitrate = "320"
spotify_initial_volume = "5"
spotify_volume_curve = "log"
spotify_volume_normalization = "No"
spotify_normalization_pregain = "0"
spotify_autoplay = "No"
spotify_zeroconf = "random"
spotify_normalization_method = "dynamic"
spotify_normalization_gain_type = "auto"
spotify_normalization_threshold = "-2"
spotify_normalization_attack = "5"
spotify_normalization_release = "100"
spotify_normalization_knee = "1"
spotify_format = "S16"
spotify_dither = ""
spotify_volume_range = "60"
spotify_zeroconf_port = "9000"

[Deezer Connect]
deezer_format = "S16"
deezer_email = ""
deezer_password = ""

squeezelite_PLAYERNAME = "Raspberrypi"
squeezelite_AUDIODEVICE = "_audioout"
squeezelite_ALSAPARAMS = "80:4::1"
squeezelite_OUTPUTBUFFERS = "40000:100000"
squeezelite_TASKPRIORITY = "45"
squeezelite_CODECS = "flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd"
squeezelite_OTHEROPTIONS = "-W -D 500 -R E -S /var/local/www/commandw/"

alsavolume_max_pa = "100"

upnpsvc = "0"
dlnasvc = "0"
upnpav = "1"
openhome = "0"
checkcontentformat = "1"
qobuzuser = ""
qobuzpass = ""
qobuzformatid = "6"

themename = "Pure Black"
accent_color = "Emerald"
alphablend = "0.75"
cover_backdrop = "No"
cover_blur = "5px"
cover_scale = "1.25"
font_size = "Normal"

playlist_art = "Yes"
extra_tags = "track,date,encoded"
playhist = "No"
show_npicon = "Waveform"
show_cvpb = "Yes"

library_onetouch_album = "Show tracks"
library_onetouch_ralbum = "No action"
library_onetouch_radio = "Play"
library_onetouch_pl = "Show items"
library_albumview_sort = "Artist/Year"
library_tagview_sort = "Artist/Year"
library_track_play = "Track"
library_recently_added = "604800000"
library_encoded_at = "3"
library_covsearchpri = "Embedded cover"
library_thmgen_scan = "Default"
library_hiresthm = "500px,60"
library_thumbnail_columns = "7/3 (Default)"

[Library (Advanced)]
library_tagview_genre = "Genre"
library_tagview_artist = "Album Artist+"
library_misc_options = "No,Album@Artist (Default)"
library_ignore_articles = ""
library_show_genres = "No"
library_tagview_covers = "Yes"
library_ellipsis_limited_text = "Yes"
library_utf8rep = "No"

scnsaver_timeout = "Never"
scnsaver_whenplaying = "No"
auto_coverview = "-off"
scnsaver_style = "Gradient (Linear)"
scnsaver_mode = "Cover art"
scnsaver_layout = "Default"
scnsaver_xmeta = "Yes"

multiroom_tx = "Off"
multiroom_rx = "Disabled"
multiroom_tx_bfr = "64"
multiroom_tx_host = ""
multiroom_tx_port = "1350"
multiroom_tx_sample_rate = "48000"
multiroom_tx_channels = "2"
multiroom_tx_frame_size = "960"
multiroom_tx_bitrate = "128"
multiroom_rx_bfr = "64"
multiroom_rx_host = ""
multiroom_rx_port = "1350"
multiroom_rx_jitter_bfr = "64"
multiroom_rx_sample_rate = "48000"
multiroom_rx_channels = "2"
multiroom_initial_volume = "0"
multiroom_tx_rtprio = "45"
multiroom_tx_query_timeout = "1"
multiroom_rx_frame_size = "960"
multiroom_rx_rtprio = "45"
multiroom_rx_alsa_output_mode = "plughw"
multiroom_rx_mastervol_opt_in = "1"
rx_hostnames = "-1"
rx_addresses = "-1"

[Local display (General)]
local_display = "0"
wake_display = "0"
scn_cursor = "1"
on_screen_kbd = "Enable"
scn_blank = "600"
disable_gpu_chromium = "off"

[HDMI displays]
hdmi_scn_orient = "landscape"
hdmi_cec = "off"
hdmi_enable_4kp60 = "off"

[DSI displays]
dsi_scn_type = "none"
dsi_port = "1"
dsi_scn_brightness = "255"
pixel_aspect_ratio = "Default"
dsi_scn_rotate = "0"

[USB volume knob]
usb_volknob = "0"

[Rotary encoder]
rotaryenc = "0"
rotenc_params = "100 2 3 23 24"

[GPIO Buttons]
gpio_svc = "0"
gpio_button[1] = "2|0|||"
gpio_button[2] = "2|0|||"
gpio_button[3] = "2|0|||"
gpio_button[4] = "2|0|||"
gpio_button[5] = "2|0|||"
gpio_button[6] = "2|0|||"
gpio_button[7] = "2|0|||"
gpio_button[8] = "2|0|||"
gpio_button[99] = "|||bounce_time|1000"

[LCD updater]
lcdup = "0"

[Music Sources]
fs_mountmon = "On"
cuefiles_ignore = "0"

I'll investigate.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Indeed the settings were missing :-0

Fixed for upcoming 9.2.4 :-)
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub

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