(01-18-2020, 04:18 PM)kolakidd Wrote: I have this weird issue, and I can't figure out why, any insight would be useful.
I have A Rpi4 > Soekris DAM1021 > Valve Pre > Power Amp setup.
I have distortion if I put Moode to 100% volume in Software Mode or Disabled.
Distortion does NOT go away if I turn down the volume Soekris or the Valve Pre, but it does go away if I put Moode into Software Mode and reduce volume to 90%.
In Audio Config tab try setting 'Max ALSA volume' to 96 (or less...experiment) This works with the 'Disabled"setting too ...there is an interaction between MPD and Alsa....this is a fix.
Quote:Establishes ALSA volume level that is used to set 0dB when MPD volume control is set to Software or Disabled