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file for older installation

I still don't understand why you are trying to build moOde from scratch. If it's done correctly, you end up with the same image that Tim already provides as a download. I used to build from scratch regularly, but I don't now that the image is readily available. Error messages during or after a build suggest something wasn't done correctly.

Back to basics. 

I would just download and install a fresh image file, whether 6.4.0 or an older release if you really want one. Do nothing which is not described in the setup.txt file. No Raspbian updates, no Raspbian-specific setup tricks like adding an ssh file or a wpa-supplicant file to /boot, no hacking of the moOde code or installation of other software, no odd bits of hardware attached.

I would temporarily use an Ethernet connection (with DHCP-assigned address) to avoid any issues with setting up my WiFi. 

I would begin testing with no DAC hat or external storage. I'd check that I can play the Stereo test file in the SDCARD directory and one or two of the preset radio stations, through the onboard audio device or a USB DAC, neither of which need configuration beyond choosing it as the audio device. 

Only then would I begin making one change at a time until I made a change which introduced a problem. Then, after checking that the problem hasn't already been dealt with on the forum,  I'd report the specific issue along with complete technical data to back it up---such as the log info I suggested previously.

I wouldn't normally suggest such an ABC approach but you seem to be having problems that other users are not reporting. Tim's software has worked for hundreds of installations around the world (including dozens of test installations of my own)---using WiFi or Ethernet, DAC hat or USB DAC, local storage or NAS, headless or with local display---the variations are endless.

And, of course, I'd make sure I was using a quality uSD card and an adequate power supply and supply cable.

Good luck.


Messages In This Thread
file for older installation - by vikozo - 01-12-2020, 01:14 PM
RE: file for older installation - by Tim Curtis - 01-12-2020, 01:27 PM
RE: file for older installation - by vikozo - 01-12-2020, 02:19 PM
RE: file for older installation - by vikozo - 01-13-2020, 11:25 AM
RE: file for older installation - by vikozo - 01-14-2020, 08:10 AM
RE: file for older installation - by vikozo - 01-14-2020, 02:54 PM
RE: file for older installation - by vikozo - 01-14-2020, 02:56 PM
RE: file for older installation - by vikozo - 01-16-2020, 09:18 PM
RE: file for older installation - by vikozo - 01-20-2020, 09:57 PM
RE: file for older installation - by TheOldPresbyope - 01-21-2020, 04:10 PM

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