05-10-2020, 07:52 PM
Hi Marcel,
Yes it will be same number if thumbs regardless of screen size. This is controlled by two CSS vars created by @swizzle a while back.
Have a look at www/css/ in the repo.
#51, #52 is where the vars are defined
#195, #385, #386 is where --thumbcols is used in the rules
#249, #250 is where --mthumbcols is used in the rules
The media queries that control what happens on mobile sized devices are all in moode.css
Yes it will be same number if thumbs regardless of screen size. This is controlled by two CSS vars created by @swizzle a while back.
Have a look at www/css/ in the repo.
#51, #52 is where the vars are defined
#195, #385, #386 is where --thumbcols is used in the rules
#249, #250 is where --mthumbcols is used in the rules
The media queries that control what happens on mobile sized devices are all in moode.css