05-11-2020, 09:06 PM
It's done by CSS media queries in moode.css. Below is an example from the file. The width and height values represent the viewport width and height.
The appearance option that sets the number of columns does the following in playerlib.js
/* smaller portrait for small screens */
@media (max-width:479px) and (orientation:portrait) {
#albumcovers .lib-entry, .database-radio li {width:var(--mthumbcols);}
#albumcovers .lib-entry img, .database-radio img {max-height:calc(var(--mthumbcols) * .9);}
The appearance option that sets the number of columns does the following in playerlib.js
setLibraryThumbnailCols($('#thumbnail-columns span').text().substring(0,1));
function setLibraryThumbnailCols(cols) {
var map = {6:'16vw,45vw', 7:'14vw,30vw', 8:'12vw,22vw'}
var css = map[cols].split(',');
document.body.style.setProperty('--thumbcols', css[0]);
document.body.style.setProperty('--mthumbcols', css[1]);