05-15-2020, 12:00 PM
(05-15-2020, 07:21 AM)BlackSmile Wrote: Hi There,
Seems nice new feature, Is it possible to add quality check or at least display it while playing for Radios stations too ?
For next releases of moode, it would be really nice to do some improvement/optimzation on the startup process. My RPi3 take a full minute to boot-up and display the 7"Pi display...
My advice is also to keep moode as light as possible and easy to use...
thank you
The bit rate for Radio Stations is already displayed under the cover art or in Audio info. Do you mean display [HD] badge for "high definition" radio stations when they are playing or in the Radio view, or both? I'd need to know what defines HD for radio streams.
I'm not experiencing issues with long startup time so maybe your particular case is due to some sort of issue like a slow SD Card, slow network, etc. If you want to troubleshoot then reboot and examine the Moode startup log to identify what section is taking the most time to complete. Post your results in a NEW thread in the support section.
moodeutl -l
Of course we work to make moOde easy to use but I have no idea what you mean by "keeping moOde light".