06-05-2020, 01:29 AM
(06-05-2020, 12:41 AM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @redstone
The first step is to download the full 6.5.2 image from moodeaudio.org and flash it to your uSD card.
There's various ways to do this. I prefer using the Belena Etcher program, binaries available from https://www.balena.io/etcher/ for Windows, OS X, and Linux.
Everywhere you look on the InterWEB you'll find instructions for using this or other tools to flash the memory card for a Raspberry PI.
The Setup guide then takes you through the rest of the steps.
The error message you cite suggests there's a mismatch between the kernel and one of your drivers. Don't have a UsBridge Signature and won't conjecture how this happened during the upgrade (but I have thoughts!).
Good luck.
Hi Kent,
Seems you are right. I burned the 6.5.2 image and rebooted Eternet-connected only and it booted fine. However when I went added the wireless Comfast CF-912AC usb dongle it is throwing errors. This wifi dongle was supported in the December Moode release. I wonder if there is something that can be changed in the driver setup or maybe i need another wifi dongle?