08-04-2020, 02:15 AM
(07-14-2020, 02:47 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: To my eye it looks pretty bad.
Thank you so much for this incredible software Tim! I just donated $10 (Transaction ID: 7DE94112K00534724) and appreciate the work you are doing.
I just got my first RPI 4 today w/ a 7" monitor, monitor case-stand, and of course - moOde!
I'm using it to push USB thumbdrive audio out at 0db to My Klipsch R-51PM Powered Speakers (they have a USB input with a built-in DAC and built-in Full Digital Amp). I wanted a mini-system to simply stream USB Music. I was looking at all sorts of Network Media Players, DACs, etc -- but what was disappointing me was the screen size on all these things (5 inches if you're lucky). That's when a friend introduced me to RPI and moOde.
I totally understand that you wouldn't want to configure a major change that affects everyone -- because the 2 large dials are great looking, practical, and match the mOOde branding.
Having said that, if there was a fairly simple way to have the bottom volume knob disappear when someone has turned off the volume (I2S Volume Set to NONE) -- that would be a real benefit. What would be great (for small touch screens) is if all the buttons under that lower circle (menu, shuffle, full screen, etc) became super large (e.g. the size of the Back - Pause - Forward buttons). Perhaps they could use the primary style color (e.g. green) to offset them from the 3 white buttons under the track circle.
No complaints... just some thoughts.
Thanks again.