(04-01-2021, 11:48 AM)vinnn Wrote: PbnmjkHello,@vinnn
In first place: GREAT JOB!!!
In second place, I found an issue: I'm running RPI4 8GB in 64bit mode (I know is experimental) all work and sound fine, but the database dissapear from time to time.
The other day I was playing music for hours and before I go to bed I added two songs (without problem), but when I tried to play these tracks the software was irresponsive, then I come back to library and I found database disappear.
Sometimes I start the RPI4 and RAID without problem, all work fine from start, but other times no USB and no database. When I turn off and on USB RAID, system stars scanning all again from zero.
My RAID is 12TB (usable), all my music is in AIFF format, more than 89.000 tracks.
The anoying part, is the time the system use for scan again all the songs and of course I think this is an issue.
Some sugestion?
Update: It's happen again... I was listening an album then I do play/clear using other album from the same RAID and error message, Volume disappear. If I click USB, nothing...
Where can I find message error to copy?
Bad/corrupt SD card?
How long does it take to scan your library? My Pi3B+ takes about 4-5hrs to scan in 100k tracks (and >9500 thumbnails) on an NFS share over 5gWiFi.
SD card was formatted yesterday, I moved back to 32bit and at this moment all work fine.
My RPI3B+ take 3 hours aprox. but It's using USB 2.0.
My RPI4 8GB take in between one hour and 1 hour and a half using USB 3.0.