08-18-2021, 09:01 PM
The Time knob looks too busy to my eye with the additional data. It might be possible to do a snap shot of the Queue time and display it on the ... context menu. Something like that.
Heres a script that prints the Queue time.
Heres a script that prints the Queue time.
mpc playlist -f '%time%' | tr ':' ' ' | grep -v -e '^$' | awk '
BEGIN {i = 0}
{i += $1*60 + $2}
if (int(i/3600) > 0)
print int(i/3600) "h " int((i%3600)/60) "m " int(i%60) "s"
else if (int(i) > 0)
print int((i%3600)/60) "m " int(i%60) "s"
print "(empty)"