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Official moOde 7.6.0 support thread
The network section shows some oddness including having both Ethernet and WLAN interfaces active (only one is needed) and an external Primary DNS.

20211230 162610 worker: -- Network
20211230 162610 worker: IP address check timeout (90 secs)
20211230 162611 worker: eth0 adapter exists
20211230 162611 worker: eth0 IP address check (No)
20211230 162611 worker: IP addr (
20211230 162611 worker: Netmask (
20211230 162611 worker: Gateway (
20211230 162612 worker: Pri DNS (
20211230 162612 worker: Domain  (
20211230 162612 worker: wlan0 adapter exists
20211230 162612 worker: wifi country (CA)
20211230 162612 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (SynologySmartConnect)
20211230 162612 worker: IP addr (
20211230 162612 worker: Netmask (
20211230 162612 worker: Gateway (
20211230 162612 worker: Pri DNS (
20211230 162612 worker: Domain  (

Try with just a single network interface and primary DNS set to the Router LAN interface which in your case would be I'm assuming you are using a typical residential Router that proxies DNS.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Official moOde 7.6.0 support thread - by Tim Curtis - 12-31-2021, 12:00 AM

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