09-26-2018, 07:05 PM
I don't see anything odd in the moOde log, but I don't know how the device chain is supposed to be configured as far as master/slave, jumpers, cable assy etc.
I'd suggest contacting Ian (@iancanada) via mail or in one of his diyAudio threads and ask him (1) what Raspberry Pi I2S driver to use and (2) whats the correct or optimum config/jumper settings for the device chain
RPI>IsolatorPI>Ian's MCFifo>MCDualXO>Buffalo 3 SE
I'd suggest contacting Ian (@iancanada) via mail or in one of his diyAudio threads and ask him (1) what Raspberry Pi I2S driver to use and (2) whats the correct or optimum config/jumper settings for the device chain
RPI>IsolatorPI>Ian's MCFifo>MCDualXO>Buffalo 3 SE