03-28-2022, 04:01 PM
Try the automated station URL checker in 8.0.2
moodeutl -u
moodeutl -U
pi@sig:~ $ moodeutl --help
Usage: moodeutl [OPTION]
Moode utility programs
With no OPTION print the help text and exit.
-a Print features availability
-A [add|rm N] Update features availability
-c Detect highest CIFS protocol version [host or ip address]
-C Detect CIFS shares [host or ip address]
-d Dump session file (requires sudo)
-D [var name] Delete session variable (requires sudo)
-e [filename] Export settings to [filename] or ./moodecfg-<timestamp>.ini
-i Import /boot/moodecfg.ini
-f Print supported audio formats
-F Print full alsacap info
-l Print moode log
-m Run system monitor
-n Detect NBT (Samba) hosts
-o List audio overlays
-q Query sql database
-r Restart servers
-R Restart renderer [--bluetooth | --airplay | --spotify | --squeezelite | --roonbridge]
-s Print system info
-t Print last 10 lines of moode log and wait
-u Check radio station urls for playability
-U Check station urls, list only unplayable
--btreset Reset Bluetooth to off
--mpdlog Print MPD log
--mooderel Print moOde release
--revision Print the hardware revision
--version Print the program version
--help Print this help text
pi@sig:~ $