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moOde 8.3.2 : is it supposed to work correctly ?
(05-06-2023, 02:30 PM)HifiPenguin Wrote: Hi, 

Just flashed moOde 8.3.2 clean on a SD card that was formatted before I flashed it. 

It boots. 

BUT : nothing is working...

If I try to add a library => spinning wheel and no reboot. Have to flash it again. 
If I try to change a setting in "Location" => Europe/paris, when I click "SET" it asks to fill the next field...

It does nto want to take the setting about the I2S Digi2 Pro from HifiBerry...

I tried another OS and it works flawlessly :-(

So, my first assumption that is might have been a hardware default is not correct. 

Anyone else having all those problems ? 

To be sure, I reflashed 8.3.0 on the same SD card with the same method (BalenaEtcher).
It works flawlessly...

So problem really seems to be 8.3.2. here :-(

balenaEtcher, huh? So you probably didn’t follow the revised instructions in the 8.3.2 Setup Guide.

This is new business: you must set up the default user account with a username/password. 


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RE: moOde 8.3.2 : is it supposed to work correctly ? - by TheOldPresbyope - 05-06-2023, 08:56 PM

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