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moOde 8.3.2 : is it supposed to work correctly ?
(05-07-2023, 08:22 PM)HifiPenguin Wrote: Hi,

From what I have seen on the Web page of Raspberry pi Imager, there is indeed a Linux version.
But that is meant for Ubuntu. And I run Arch.
And I know it is possible to convert a Debian/Ubuntu package to Arch but each time I tried it failed...
So I did not tried it again in a long time.

Will probably use a virtual machine instead... Much easier :-)


Did you think to query the Arch package servers (however that's done)?

I don't use Arch but when I googled "rpi imager arch linux" I get hits that show rpi-imager 1.7.4-2 (which is the current version) is available to you...just as rpi-imager is available in the linuxmint/ubuntu apt servers for the Linux Mint distro I do use. The major distros do a good job keeping up with the most popular consumer-level SBC on the planet.

Also, I'll be posting a short instruction guide for this Forum on how to install moOde without using the RPi Imager tool. It turns out to be relatively easy---like riding a bicycle is relatively easy compared to riding a unicycle.


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RE: moOde 8.3.2 : is it supposed to work correctly ? - by TheOldPresbyope - 05-08-2023, 09:40 AM

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