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moOde 8.3.2 : is it supposed to work correctly ?
(05-08-2023, 06:12 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: Yikes! Sorry this has turned into such an ordeal. It's supposed to be "so easy a caveman can do it" Rolleyes

Hi Kent, 

Consider me as a specimen from the pre-caveman era :-)

But if I am the only one encountering those problems, it must be related to my hardware...

I just reflashed moOde 8.3.0 after having used rAudio for a couple of days. 
As I said, changelog does indicate that the jump to 8.3.2 is no giant step forward from 8.3.0, so I probably can live with 8.3.0 for a while :-)
No big deal...

I assume there is a good reason to make rpi-imager mandatory... 


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RE: moOde 8.3.2 : is it supposed to work correctly ? - by HifiPenguin - 05-08-2023, 09:37 PM

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