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moOde 8.3.2 : is it supposed to work correctly ?
(05-19-2023, 11:22 AM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: Well, there is my HowTo in the FAQs and Guides subforum but I guess I didn't make it flashy enough 'cuz the same information keeps getting posted by others.

As for updating from a previous working version, many of us accomplish that without issue so we'd need more information to know what went wrong.


Hi Kent,

sorry I can't tell you what went wrong. I updated from the previous version, and after the device simply would not start anymore, as in: no Gui, no console, no ssh...
So no idea what went wrong.


Messages In This Thread
RE: moOde 8.3.2 : is it supposed to work correctly ? - by hjheins - 05-19-2023, 12:07 PM

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