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image size too large for 10.2 " screen
(01-19-2024, 06:48 AM)Facel Wrote: @TheOldPresbyope 
   Correct the EETI driver is for touchscreen
   The screen has an interface card with the follwing Inputs: VGA - USB - Power (12 volts) - IR
   This card has a unique output with a special cable that gos direct into the screen
   the HDMI/VGA adapter is located between the USBridge Sign and the Interface card  

I have done different scenarios including running the offical debian on the same hardware (USBridge Signature)

  - When I run moode the display is too large but the resolution appears to be correct
    ...the display is flattened vertically (=dislay is too large) , and this append from the very beginning during the boot !

  - When I run debian the display is OK (no deformation) (HDMI connected before booting)

   - When I run moode the display is again flattened vertically. (HDMI connected before booting)
     But when I unplug the HDMI connector from the USBSignature, then plug it into my Windows PC HDMI output the display is OK
     (with a different resolution ( 1920x1080) but completly correct)
     after that, when I plug back the HDMI connector into the USBSignature the display switch again to a 1280 x800 resolution but the image is OK (no deformation)

    Unplugging the HDMI from USBridge and plug it again into the USBridge does not modify the diplay (display still too large)

  - When I boot moode without any HDMI connected and after a while when is running normally (headless) , a connexion of the HDMI will prompt a correct display this case the resolution is 640 x 480 !! (or 639 x 479 P/R=1)

    My understanding is that the resolution is automatically detected by the "screen" (screen + interface card)
    At the very beginning of the Boot for Moode OS, something happens that disturb or interfere with the resolution detection process of the screen
It's complicated...

@TheOldPresbyope do you think this could somehow be mitigated (if not fixed, that is...) by some parameters to the boot-image...?
Of course it will render the installation dependent on the display, having to take care of it possibly after each upgrade, but nevertheless...

I fail to remember how to do that, though... and now I am too busy to search for it... Maybe also the OP can have a look into it?

Messages In This Thread
image size too large for 10.2 " screen - by Facel - 01-14-2024, 06:59 PM
RE: image size too large for 10.2 " screen - by Nutul - 01-19-2024, 09:47 AM

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