05-03-2024, 05:52 AM
(05-02-2024, 12:17 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Try CamillaDSP. There is a sample V2-PEQ 10-Band configuration. Click the Filters tab where you can set the subtype for each freq band.
Thanks, I’m using CamillaDSP with convolution files, didn’t know it could do PEQ too.
Looking at https://github.com/HEnquist/camilladsp?t...v-file#iir it seems really easy to convert the headphone data to Camilla’s IIR format.
But, I don’t see a “Filters” tab in moode.
- RaspiOS: 11.9 Bullseye 32-bit
- Linux kernel: 6.1.21 32-bit
- Pi model: Pi-Zero 2 W 1.0 512MB
- MPD version: 0.23.14