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How to: digitalize vinyl which USB pre-amp
after using moode since a few weeks, I am thinking of putting my old records on my NAS.
I would prefer lossless output and have an (old) Thorens MM turntable with a new pick-up (correct translation?).
I am looking for a phono pre-amp with an USB output and would use Audacity (unless told otherwise) either on Windows 10 or a MAC.

Depending on how many albums you want to capture, I'd consider Vinyl Studio as opposed to Audacity. It's much slicker, and the feature that really speeds things up is it's ability to split sides into songs, lookup the album on online databases and find the song names for each individual song fille. I've done this process manually on Audacity and it works fine, but you don't want to do it for years to come. I suppose my tolerance might be to use Audacity for 20-30 albums but not many more.


Messages In This Thread
RE: How to: digitalize vinyl which USB pre-amp - by Skip Pack - 03-11-2019, 04:28 PM

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