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Problem: witch Audio Playback at the begin of the Track
(11-18-2023, 11:29 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote:
(11-18-2023, 07:03 AM)dulldull Wrote: Dear Tim and team, this somewhat echo the issue identified in the MPD delay discussion we have earlier. As per your earlier suggestion, I have tried to make a request to the MPD maintainer team in Github and found the request was already there dated back in 2021.

What's the URL to the issue?

I've found these 2 best matched the OP's and my format change issue discussed earlier.

Though I am currently exploring the LMS+pCP suite, I am still very fond of moOde's UI. With only 1 rpi and 1 HAT, its hard for me to conduct a fair sound quality test, but running moOde first time has given me the WOW that file playing can be so good.

Please don't conflate issues.

In response to Al's question, the OP has said explicitly that bitrate change was not involved in his issue. Simply moving from track to track in a single album (every album? only certain albums?) was sufficient in his case. Both of the MPD issues you identified involve bitrate changes.

We can do nothing more unless we can repro the problem in moOde ourselves. For that, we need one or more of the offending albums at the least. Even then, we may not be able to repro the problem if we don't have the same audio chain---specifically the PCM->S/PDIF->(as yet unknown) offboard DAC.

Since the open MPD issues you listed were both submitted in 2021, I think it safe to infer the MPD devs haven't made any progress on the requested change (if they ever started).

My apologies and thank you for the insights regarding the MPD open issues' status.
(11-19-2023, 04:15 PM)dulldull Wrote: My apologies and thank you for the insights regarding the MPD open issues' status.

"No harm, no foul" is a common sports expression that applies here. I just didn't want others to misunderstand the situation.

This computer-based audio business is a lot more subtle than it looked when I first dabbled with DACs I had connected to a minicomputer in the laboratory sometime during the Nixon administration!

(11-19-2023, 04:31 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: ... sometime during the Nixon administration!
Thanks Kent, this somehow makes me feel old... well, say elder, uh?
I feel so young who start my journey with winamp and realplayer Smile

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