So all I know from your OP is that you have moOde 6.3 installed on something and that apparently you selected the 64-bit kernel in moOde config and (I have to guess here) rebooted. What else?
I have no Roon-anything so this is only an intellectual exercise but I just brought up moOde 6.3 on an RPi4B with the 64-bit kernel selected.
pi@moodelr:~ $ uname -a
Linux moodelr 4.19.75-v8+ #1270 SMP PREEMPT Tue Sep 24 18:59:17 BST 2019 aarch64 GNU/Linux
I then downloaded the roonbridge installer for armv7hf (obscure notation, but this is correct for the RPi4B), marked it executable and invoked it:
pi@moodelr:~ $ curl -O http://download.roonlabs.com/builds/roonbridge-installer-linuxarmv7hf.sh
pi@moodelr:~ $ +x roonbridge-installer-linuxarmv7hf.sh
pi@moodelr:~ $ ./roonbridge-installer-linuxarmv7hf.sh
Welcome to the RoonBridge installer
This installer sets up RoonBridge to run on linux with the following settings:
- RoonBridge will be installed in /opt/RoonBridge
- RoonBridge's data will be stored in /var/roon/RoonBridge
- RoonBridge will be configured to run as a system service
- RoonBridge will run as root
These settings are suitable for turning a dedicated or semi-dedicated device
into an appliance that runs RoonBridge
If you want customize how RoonBridge is installed, see:
Do you want to install RoonBridge on this machine? [Y/n] Y
Downloading RoonBridge_linuxarmv7hf.tar.bz2 to /tmp/tmp.aaEnxyxDQ2/RoonBridge_linuxarmv7hf.tar.bz2
################################################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
Unpacking RoonBridge_linuxarmv7hf.tar.bz2...Done
Checking to see if RoonBridge can run on this machine
Checking for Binary Compatibility [ OK ]
Checking for ALSA Libraries [ OK ]
Copying Files...Done
Failed to stop roonbridge.service: Unit roonbridge.service not loaded.
Installing /etc/systemd/system/roonbridge.service
Enabling service roonbridge...
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/roonbridge.service → /etc/systemd/system/roonbridge.service.
Service Enabled
Starting service roonbridge...
Service Started
All Done! RoonBridge should be running on your machine now.
pi@moodelr:~ $
And, sure enough, it's now running
pi@moodelr:~ $ ps aux|grep -i roon
root 2124 0.0 0.0 1932 404 ? Ss 11:28 0:00 /bin/sh /opt/RoonBridge/start.sh
root 2128 0.0 1.7 87228 34024 ? Sl 11:28 0:01 RoonBridge --debug --gc=sgen --server RoonBridge.exe
root 2145 0.2 1.6 87780 31256 ? Sl 11:28 0:03 RoonBridgeHelper --debug --gc=sgen --server RoonBridgeHelper.exe
root 2152 0.0 0.0 2228 360 ? S 11:28 0:00 /opt/RoonBridge/Bridge/processreaper 2145
pi 4532 0.0 0.0 7340 520 pts/0 S+ 11:58 0:00 grep --color=auto -i roon
Sooo, what did you do differently?