I've never used whole-CD-to-a-file rips but your question intrigued me enough to make one just now so I could follow along at home.
I used
abcde to rip Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon to a single FLAC file + a cuesheet file. From these, I don't get as much track info displayed as you do.
In m>Library>Folder view I get an appropriate two entries:
The first two-line entry is for the flac file itself:
Dark Side of the Moon 42:55
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
The second two-line entry is for the cuesheet file:
Dark Side of the Moon.flac
CUE sheet
In m>Library>Tag view I get only one track entry, for the single flac file, when I select the album
"1. Dark Side of the Moon 42:55 Pink Floyd 1973"
whereas you see all the tracks on your album.
Whether I select the album or just the flac file from the Folder view or the Tag view what shows up in the Playback view is just this 42:55 minute track.
If, however, I select the cuesheet file from the Folder view, what shows up in the Playback view is all 9 tracks properly annotated with artist/title/duration information for each track.
I don't understand why you are getting different behavior. I'm guessing that your cuesheet file is somehow different from the one generated by
abcde. Could you please either post it here or PM it to me so I can have a look?