07-29-2018, 08:14 PM
I followed the instructions that logos should be displayed in the radio menue with no success.
The test i prepared should demonstrate the problem. I took the logo of the already shipped "1.FM - Blues Radio" and copied it in the file 1.FM - Bossa Nova.jpg
Then I inserted the right record is in the table cfg_radio. I queried both 1.FM stations for direct comparison:
Here the files:
In the radio menu only the default logo is displayed!
Did I miss a step?
root@moode:/home/pi# ls -l /var/www/images/radio-logos/1.FM*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27836 Jul 27 21:13 /var/www/images/radio-logos/1.FM - Blues Radio.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27836 Jul 27 21:13 /var/www/images/radio-logos/1.FM - Bossa Nova.jpg
I followed the instructions that logos should be displayed in the radio menue with no success.
The test i prepared should demonstrate the problem. I took the logo of the already shipped "1.FM - Blues Radio" and copied it in the file 1.FM - Bossa Nova.jpg
Then I inserted the right record is in the table cfg_radio. I queried both 1.FM stations for direct comparison:
root@moode:/home/pi# sqlite3 -header /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "select * from cfg_radio where name like '1.FM%'" id|station|name|permalink|logo
1|http://strm112.1.fm/blues_mobile_mp3|1.FM - Blues Radio||local
185|http://strm112.1.fm/bossanova_mobile_mp3|1.FM Bossa Nova||local
root@moode:/home/pi# ls -l /var/www/images/radio-logos/1.FM*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27836 Jul 27 21:13 /var/www/images/radio-logos/1.FM - Blues Radio.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27836 Jul 27 21:13 /var/www/images/radio-logos/1.FM - Bossa Nova.jpg
In the radio menu only the default logo is displayed!
Did I miss a step?
root@moode:/home/pi# ls -l /var/www/images/radio-logos/1.FM*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27836 Jul 27 21:13 /var/www/images/radio-logos/1.FM - Blues Radio.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27836 Jul 27 21:13 /var/www/images/radio-logos/1.FM - Bossa Nova.jpg