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PeppyMeter and moOde
Hi mrudzin,

good to know.

I try to answer your questions:

Quote:Maybe it's really the fault of version 6.7.1?

I'm sure it's not a problem: as I reported in post # 17, I ran it on 6.7.1.

Quote:Will I always have to do it manually to switch between GUI and peppy?

No, as reported in post # 16 (watch the video in the URL) you can use a couple of buttons to start and stop the peppymeter.

Redirecting at the end of the command is not required to start peppymeter. In other words, it is enough:

cd /home/pi/PeppyMeter

sudo python3

Please let me know if you need any other informations or support. Be free to ask.

Would you please send to me a picture of your system running Peppymeter?

Best regards,

Hi, Francesco.

Since you've asked others to post a picture, attached is a poorly composed snap of my 7" Touch Screen with the vintage meter selected. (Aside: it's not unlike the meters on the first stereo console I got to run in a small radio station w-a-y back in the last century.)

This is with moOde 7.0.1 running on a RPi3B+.

Your instructions worked fine.

I have a few minor notes you may find useful:

1. I think you should edit your tutorial post (#5) to explain more carefully what information is to be gleaned from aplay -l and how it's to be used. You explained it in a followup post (#19) but this information should be up front.

2. For your purpose, it is sufficient to clone only the more recent state of the repos

git clone --depth=1<whatever>

For the peppymeter repos this doesn't make much of a difference but with major repos it can avoid downloading hundreds or thousands of git objects which won't be used. This is faster and consumes less bandwidth and storage. This is generally best practice if you don't intend to make commits and pull requests.

3. Several places you create or edit files as root (sudo ...) when they could just as well be owned by user pi. In your particular application this causes no harm operationally but in other instances it might and it's not best practice generally. These files include /home/pi/PeppyMeter/config.txt, /home/pi/PeppyMeter/, and /home/pi/.asound.conf.

4. If you read the ALSA documentation, you'll find that having identical /etc/asound.conf and /home/pi/.asound.conf files is redundant. In my case, I created just /etc/asound.conf but I could have created just /home/pi/.asound.conf.

5. Finally, a heads up! In moOde 7.1.0, the module /var/www/inc/playerlib.php will contain changes which invalidate your instruction for editing it. You can examine its current status in the develop branch of Tim's repo:


6. That "libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile" message is just that, a warning. It can be ignored or if it really bothers someone they can edit the image files to remove the offending color profile. I used a utility in the ImageMagick toolbox. Consult your favorite search engine. 


PS - I'm pretty sure I had another point but I stopped to feed the cat and now I've forgotten what it was Huh Must not have been very importantSmile I remembered. See #6.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Hi Kent,
I honestly do not find the words to thank you for the advice, which I share and consider very useful, and for the confirmation of the operation of the instructions.
I try, below, to comment on the various points:
1) I was already thinking of a "github" that could be updated from time to time in order to have a unique one: in fact I'm working on a ".doc", with the aim of providing it with a decent look.
2) See point 1
3) You have touched a nerve: I am always afraid of not having the right permissions to write, read or execute, for this reason, in this first phase, I made the mistake, knowingly, of using the famous "sudo" too often. in the "github" version I will try to be more thrifty.
4) I had read on Peppy's documentation that it was important to have both in order to be able to use the "pi" user of the entire software chain. I will remove the creation of the configuration file under "/ home / pi".
5) I had already, in the early days, tried to avoid the modification of the "playerlib" and "worker" files, using the "loopback device" but with bad results.
Now I have seen that Adrian has experimented with a way to use it using the "graphic equalizer", but exclusively (, therefore, e.g. "mpd_oled" and "Peppymeter" could not coexist. I am studying how to prepare a proposal to request Tim to insert the option of adding an ALSA module in the "MPD Configuration" area: exclusively for adding an entry in "mpd.conf" (not for the configuration which could be in "/etc/asound.conf"), but first I want to make sure it works.
6) I have already forwarded your hypothesis as a proposal to the author of Peppymeter ( We try to resolve at source.
Thank you so much again and greetings,
PS: it happens to me too that the cat interrupts me because she is hungry !!!
Hi Francesco

The Moode graphic equalizer configuration gives known entry and exit points in the ALSA configuration. The audio copy configuration I posted doesn't "consume" them, but would need to be modified if the peppy configuration was also being used.

If the audio copy configuration happened first then rather than outputting to the original exit plugin device, e.g.plug_eqfa12p , it would be edited to output to the entry plugin device used for the peppy configuration, which would do what it wanted and then finally output to plug_eqfa12p.

A simple answer to this, and that doesn't depend on any changes to Moode, is a script that installs an appropriate configuration file, and supports the projects that want to be supported. The script would check a file, that would list the applications to include the configuration for (plus any options, e.g. the audio copy configuration could make several copies, and the loopback subdevice number could be configurable) and then generate and install the configuration file.

Hi Adrian,
Thank you so much for your post.
Unfortunately today I am not very well and, because my poor skills in Alsa and in English, I am not able to follow your message.
I hope to be better next days so to study your post.
Thank you again an best regards,
Hi Francesco

Get well soon!

(03-12-2021, 08:05 PM)adrii Wrote: Hi Francesco

Get well soon!


Thanks Adrian.
Thanks Adrian.
Hi Guys,
I've been looking for a display like this for a long time. The installation went almost well. Now I just have one problem.
Everything went well up to the audio test 
/home/pi/peppyalsa/src/peppyalsa-client /var/tmp/peppyfifo

The music movement is displayed.

Auch werden die PeppyMeter Messgeräte auf dem Display angezeigt. Leider aber ohne Bewegung durch die Musik

Can someone please give me a tip where I can look for the error?
Many Thanks!!

It may be working correctly but not displaying movement of the meters because the amplitude of the signal is too low. Are you using software volume control? If so, try increasing the volume.


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