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MoOde for Allo DigiOne problem
(09-20-2023, 11:13 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: I'm a bit confused. SSH access should be possible using any userid specified when prepping the image using Pi Imager.

The only userid related bug reported so far is that LocalUI won't start unless the id is "pi". Thats been fixed in upcoming final end-of-year release.

f there are any other userid related bugs then please post steps to repro the issue and I'll test on my end :-)

Hi Tim,
I kindly requested to try with "pi" because the only thing I saw strange on the log was the home directory, so, due the experience of the LocalUI, I tought that. Sorry if it is not correct.
Best regards and thanks,
No prob. Coukd be a new bug :-0
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(09-20-2023, 12:15 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: No prob. Coukd be a new bug :-0

I think it is a Mac OS problem, but I am not expert
I use MacOS. I'll run some tests later this week.
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I'll keep an open mind about iMac/MacOS, but the ssh/scp infrastructure in Linux has been rock solid for me for decades. 

With respect to moOde in particular, I am able to remotely login, execute commands remotely, copy files, etc., from the command line of other Linux boxes, from ssh/scp apps on Android phones, from ssh/scp apps on my iPad, and from various apps as well as the WSL command line on a Windows 10 host. This is true whether I configure moOde with the old default username "pi" or a new default username of my choosing.

I can imagine inadvertently entering the wrong host name or ip   the wrong username, or the wrong password. (Among other things, the username and password are both case sensitive).


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