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Problem: Some settings not saved correctly
No one? Can having 2 moOde players open in the same browser cause an issue?
I regularly have more then one moOde player open in one browser without issues, but I never have the settings you have bother with set, so that counts for little.

Basically, unless you can isolate the exact sequence of events that leads to the problem, we are unlikely to work out what's going on. Either there's a bug in moOde that resets just those settings under certain reboot conditions, or there's some device on your system "remembering" the wrong settings and applying them on certain reboots. To identify either needs an identification of the exact sequence that triggers the issue.

All I can recommend is that you keep detailed notes of what is running and what actions you take every time you shut down, and every time you start up, and hope a pattern emerges.
Being in software development, I know how difficult it is when you've no reproducer for the issue. I tried to simulate by initiating several shutdown and boot scenario's. No luck, always successful.

Fact is that it goes well for days, and than, always after a boot, settings are gone. And as mentioned, I only have it on my PI3. Drives me crazy. :-)

As we speak, moOde is up an running for +12h with no issues. We actually use this system in our garden house. It's running every day for ~15h.

Also, the re-set settings are so specific you don't hear it, but you only see it when looking up the system settings.

Obviously, last thing before shutting down is checking the settings. Very very very strange that the morning after sometimes settings are gone, sometiimes not...

But I don't let it go. Smile
Ok. Happened again this morning.

Only difference noticed compared to when it goes fine, is that when it goes wrong, I always see a second session file in the /var/local/php folder, always 21 bytes, containing only the following: alt_back_link|s:0:"";

Does this make sense?
Happened again after 4 days. Settings gone. Fastest way to resolve is to overwrite the session file with a "good" one and do a "sudo reboot".
I'll replace once more the SD card, although it's a brand new one being used now.
After 4 cold boots, the same issue appears with another new SD card. Seems a bug...
As a last resort, I swapped the PI3B+ with a P4. Problem hasn't occured anymore since more than a week.

No idea why the behavior on a 3 is different than on a 4, but it seems this fixed the issue.
(05-13-2024, 04:43 PM)kurt1970 Wrote: As a last resort, I swapped the PI3B+ with a P4. Problem hasn't occured anymore since more than a week.

No idea why the behavior on a 3 is different than on a 4, but it seems this fixed the issue.

May not be related but....

I've just spent several weeks tracking down an issue on a Pi3A+ where it would randomly loose its wifi connection and have to acquire new one, playing havoc with streams and mDNS and so on.  I even returned one unit to the shop thinking it must be faulty.
Turns out there was a "smart" feature on my router that attempted to push connected devices on to the best frequency which all my other RPi devices where OK with (a zero and two 4B+), but the 3 didn't like at all.  I've told the router to stop being so clever, and now the 3 works flawlessly.

Frankly, since the only devices I have that would benefit from the "smart" router are the family phones, and they are quite capable of switching to a better frequency by themselves, I'm not loosing anything here Smile

Anyway, the point I'm making is that I have experience of the Pi3 being sensitive to oddness on the network, perhaps that's what's going on for you as well?
Hi Robert,

I spent days, weeks on it! In my case I had exactly the same moOde config, although hardware was a little different:
* PI4 - wired - SSD boot - USB connected to DAC
* PI3B+ - wireless - MSD boot - Hifiberry+ S/PDIF hat connected to DAC

After weeks of testing I created a set-up like: PI 3 and 4, both MSD boot, both wireless and both USB connected to DAC. So, sole difference was the PI board. This allowed me to swap the same MSD card amongst both PIs and see the behavior.

Well, no issues with the PI4, after a (few) day(s) issues with the PI3. Strange strange...

But, I hadn't thought about the network yet! The other thing is that it always occurred when booting in the morning. I was never able to reproduce the issue during the day, by doing reboots or shutdowns/restarts. Sounds stupid of course, as the PI has no affinity with moment of the day. But, now it pops-up that I reboot my wireless router every day at 5 AM...

(05-16-2024, 08:07 AM)kurt1970 Wrote: But, now it pops-up that I reboot my wireless router every day at 5 AM...

My Pi3 threw a lot of information into /var/log/syslog when the router did it's thing. Might be worth looking in yours to see if there are any signs. I'd expect the 5am router reboot and the apparently sensitive Pi3 wifi module being responsible somehow.

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