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Hifiberry Digi+Pro not recognized
in the actualy ver. 9.0.0. I can not set Output device to I2S.
I try to find the reason . / s. my log )

best regards
20240530 002138 worker: --
20240530 002138 worker: -- Start moOde 9 series
20240530 002138 worker: --
20240530 002138 worker: Successfully daemonized
20240530 002138 worker: Wait for Linux startup
20240530 002144 worker: Linux startup complete
20240530 002144 worker: Boot config is ok
20240530 002144 worker: Session loaded
20240530 002147 worker: Package locks applied
20240530 002148 worker: File check complete
20240530 002148 worker: Debug logging off
20240530 002148 worker: --
20240530 002148 worker: -- System
20240530 002148 worker: --
20240530 002151 worker: Host name:     moode
20240530 002151 worker: RPi model:     Pi-3B+ 1.3 1GB
20240530 002151 worker: moOde release: 9.0.0 2024-05-17
20240530 002151 worker: RaspiOS:       12.5 Bookworm 64-bit
20240530 002151 worker: Linux Kernel:  6.6.28 64-bit
20240530 002151 worker: MPD version:   0.23.14
20240530 002151 worker: User id:       pi
20240530 002151 worker: Home folder:   /home/pi
20240530 002151 worker: Time zone:     Europe/Berlin
20240530 002151 worker: Kbd layout:    ge
20240530 002151 worker: HDMI ports(s): on
20240530 002151 worker: Sys LED0:      on
20240530 002151 worker: Sys LED1:      on
20240530 002151 worker: Reduce power:  n/a
20240530 002151 worker: CPU governor:  ondemand
20240530 002151 worker: Integ audio:   vc4-kms-v3d
20240530 002151 worker: --
20240530 002151 worker: -- Network
20240530 002151 worker: --
20240530 002151 worker: Eth0
20240530 002151 worker: Ethernet: adapter exists
20240530 002151 worker: Ethernet: timeout off
20240530 002151 worker: Ethernet: address not assigned
20240530 002151 worker: Wlan0
20240530 002151 worker: Wireless: adapter exists
20240530 002151 worker: Wireless: country DE
20240530 002151 worker: Wireless: SSID    POMMERNSPEED 2
20240530 002151 worker: Wireless: other   None
20240530 002151 worker: Wireless: timeout up to 90 secs
20240530 002151 worker: Wireless: connect to POMMERNSPEED 2
20240530 002152 worker: Wireless: method  dhcp
20240530 002152 worker: Wireless: address
20240530 002152 worker: Wireless: netmask
20240530 002152 worker: Wireless: gateway
20240530 002152 worker: Wireless: pri DNS
20240530 002152 worker: Wireless: domain
20240530 002152 worker: --
20240530 002152 worker: -- File sharing
20240530 002152 worker: --
20240530 002152 worker: SMB file sharing:  off
20240530 002152 worker: NFS file sharing:  off
20240530 002152 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20240530 002152 worker: --
20240530 002152 worker: -- Special configs
20240530 002152 worker: --
20240530 002152 worker: RoonBridge:       not installed
20240530 002152 worker: Allo Piano 2.1:   not detected
20240530 002152 worker: Allo Boss 2:      not detected, OLED script ok
20240530 002152 worker: IQaudIO AMP*:     not detected
20240530 002152 worker: --
20240530 002152 worker: -- ALSA debug
20240530 002152 worker: --
20240530 002152 worker: Cards:  0:vc4hdmi         1:sndrpihifiberry 2:empty           3:empty          
20240530 002152 worker:         4:empty           5:empty           6:empty           7:empty          
20240530 002152 worker: Mixers: 0:none            1:none            2:none            3:none            
20240530 002152 worker:         4:none            5:none            6:none            7:none            
20240530 002152 worker: --
20240530 002152 worker: -- Audio configuration
20240530 002152 worker: --
20240530 002152 worker: Audio device:  Pi HDMI 1
20240530 002153 worker: ALSA card:     has not changed
20240530 002153 worker: MPD config:    updated (iec958 device)
20240530 002208 worker: ALSA output:   HDMI
20240530 002208 worker: ALSA mode:     IEC958 (iec958)
20240530 002208 worker: ALSA mixer     PCM
20240530 002211 worker: ALSA volume:   controller not detected
20240530 002211 worker: ALSA maxvol:   100%
20240530 002211 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20240530 002211 worker: MPD mixer      Software
20240530 002211 worker: Audio formats: Alsacap was unable to detect formats
20240530 002211 worker: CamillaDSP:    off
20240530 002211 worker: CDSP volume:   0.0dB
20240530 002211 worker: CDSP volrange: 60dB
20240530 002211 worker: --
20240530 002211 worker: -- MPD startup
20240530 002211 worker: --
20240530 002212 worker: MPD service:        started
20240530 002212 worker: MPD port 6600:      accepting connections
20240530 002212 worker: MPD ALSA Default:   on
20240530 002212 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20240530 002212 worker: MPD HTTP Server:    on
20240530 002212 worker: MPD volume:         0
20240530 002212 worker: Saved MPD vol:      -1
20240530 002212 worker: Saved SRC vol:      0
20240530 002212 worker: MPD crossfade:      off
20240530 002212 worker: MPD ignore CUE:     no
20240530 002212 worker: MPD first boot:     SDCARD scanned
20240530 002213 worker: MPD first boot:     default playlist loaded
20240530 002213 worker: MPD CDSP volsync:   off
20240530 002213 worker: --
20240530 002213 worker: -- Music sources
20240530 002213 worker: --
20240530 002213 worker: USB drives:     no drives found
20240530 002213 worker: NAS sources:    no music sources defined
20240530 002213 worker: --
20240530 002213 worker: -- Feature availability
20240530 002213 worker: --
20240530 002213 worker: Input select:    available, Source: MPD, Output: Pi HDMI 1
20240530 002213 worker: Bluetooth:       available, PIN: None, ALSA/CDSP maxvol: 100%/0dB, ALSA outmode: Standard
20240530 002213 worker: AirPlay:         available
20240530 002213 worker: Spotify Connect: available
20240530 002213 worker: Squeezelite:     available
20240530 002213 worker: RoonBridge:      not installed
20240530 002213 worker: Multiroom:       available
20240530 002213 worker: UPnP client:     available
20240530 002213 worker: GPIO buttons:    available
20240530 002213 worker: HTTPS mode:      available
20240530 002213 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20240530 002213 worker: --
20240530 002213 worker: -- Peripherals
20240530 002213 worker: --
20240530 002216 worker: Local display:   off
20240530 002216 worker: On-screen kbd:   off
20240530 002216 worker: HDMI 4K 60Hz:    off
20240530 002216 worker: Rotary encoder:  off
20240530 002216 worker: USB volume knob: off
20240530 002216 worker: LCD updater:     off
20240530 002216 worker: --
20240530 002216 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20240530 002216 worker: --
20240530 002216 worker: Software update:   Automatic check off
20240530 002216 worker: Auto-CoverView:    off
20240530 002216 worker: CoverView timeout: Never
20240530 002216 worker: Auto-shuffle:      off
20240530 002216 worker: Auto-play:         off
20240530 002216 worker: Web SSH server:    on
20240530 002216 worker: Maintenance task:  360 mins
20240530 002216 worker: Current view:      reset to Playback
20240530 002216 worker: Active flags:      all false
20240530 002216 worker: Reset flags:       skipped
20240530 002216 worker: Session check:     ok
20240530 002216 worker: --
20240530 002216 worker: -- Startup complete
20240530 002216 worker: --
20240530 002216 worker: Mount monitor:    started
20240530 002216 worker: Radio monitor:    off
20240530 002216 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20240530 002216 worker: Responsiveness:   Default
20240530 002216 worker: Ready

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Click the Output device dropdown and select the hifiberry device.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
(05-29-2024, 10:39 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Click the Output device dropdown and select the hifiberry device.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(05-29-2024, 10:45 PM)wikko13 Wrote:
(05-29-2024, 10:39 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Click the Output device dropdown and select the hifiberry device.

Still no sound.
As a atachment old Audio section from the ver.8.3.9 ( Audio output - I2S )

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
It's not obvious to me what might be happening on your end. Maybe someone with the same device can either post a success case or repro your issue.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
(05-30-2024, 06:04 PM)wikko13 Wrote:
(05-29-2024, 10:45 PM)wikko13 Wrote:
(05-29-2024, 10:39 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Click the Output device dropdown and select the hifiberry device.

Still no sound.
As a atachment old Audio section from the ver.8.3.9 ( Audio output - I2S )
Hi, I have a setup very similar to yours. Raspberry pi3b+ HiFiBerry Digi2 Pro and ProtoDac. The system recognizes the HiFiBerry Digi2 Pro perfectly and allows the ProtoDac to work normally. Are you using it as a reclocker or as a transport card for use with external DACs?
(05-31-2024, 08:37 AM)ECELO Wrote:
(05-30-2024, 06:04 PM)wikko13 Wrote:
(05-29-2024, 10:45 PM)wikko13 Wrote:
(05-29-2024, 10:39 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Click the Output device dropdown and select the hifiberry device.

Still no sound.
As a atachment old Audio section from the ver.8.3.9 ( Audio output - I2S )
Hi, I have a setup very similar to yours. Raspberry pi3b+ HiFiBerry Digi2 Pro and ProtoDac. The system recognizes the HiFiBerry Digi2 Pro perfectly and allows the ProtoDac to work normally. Are you using it as a reclocker or as a transport card for use with external DACs?
"Are you using it as a reclocker or as a transport card for use with external DACs? " - only as a transport card for use with external DAC
I can not set Output device to I2S. Angry

Perhaps I'm misreading your posts, but just in case---

Did you read @Tim Curtis's earlier reply carefully?

moOde 9.0.0 has changed the audio configuration procedure from previous versions.

Until a fresh install is been configured, the Output device dropdown list will show only HDMI and USB audio devices that the kernel detects.

You have to tell moOde (well, the kernel actually) that an I2S audio device is present by using the Named I2S device dropdown list to select the proper driver (in your case, HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro) and then reboot.

On subsequent boots, the kernel will detect this driver so now that I2S device also will show up (by name, in your case, HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro) in the Output device dropdown list. Select it and you should have output. This is what Tim was showing in his earlier post.

The genius of this new configuration procedure is that you can now switch back and forth among various HDMI, USB, and the specific I2S device without having to reboot (see the first item in relnotes.txt). On one of my players I have an I2S DAC (to speakers) and a USB DAC (to headphones) and happily switch back and forth.

Good luck and if this doesn't work, please let us know.


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