08-10-2024, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2024, 02:30 PM by Jedrek.)
After updating from version 9.0.5 to 9.0.6, the image on the 7-inch touch display is displayed incorrectly. The left half of the LCD screen displays all content but compressed, and the right half of the screen is black. The touch works on the entire screen because it can be woken up. The cursor is moving on the full phisical screen, but on the dark zone the corsor is defected.
I checked various settings in the configuration and did not find any that would restore the image to full screen. I'm asking you for help.The native resoiltion of display is 1024 x 600 px.
My config,txt file:
# This file is managed by moOde
08-10-2024, 02:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2024, 03:04 PM by TheOldPresbyope.
Edit Reason: ETA
I'm a bit bewildered here. We don't know what your display is (make, model), what its interface is (hdmi, dsi, etc), how you arrived at the config.txt customization you presented, ....
ETA we don't even know what model Pi you're using.
08-10-2024, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2024, 03:45 PM by Jedrek.)
My display was bought a few years ago on Aliexpress. From the very beginning it worked with moodeaudio without any major problems.
It is a 7-inch touch display connected to RPI 4 via the HDMI port with natural lcd resolution 1024 x 600 px
I have the version with speakers (not used with moodeaudio)
I made the customization according to the information that came with the purchased display.
As I wrote, the problem occurred after updating from version 9.0.5 to version 9.0.6, since moode version 6 or 7 it always worked without any major problems with the application. I noticed that in moode 9.0.6 the options menu regarding the 7-inch LCD has changed. In previous versions of moode, I think this menu was different.
I don't know that on url address the symbols ( C ) are replaced with the copyright symbol
While the system is booting, when boot progress is displayed, all available display space is used. The image is narrowed to half t after activating the moode graphic mode. When we turn off the LCD in moode, the boot text appears on the entire screen.
In one of the previous versions of moode 9, I had a problem with displaying on the display if the startup option/integrated audio: Kernel Mode (No video signal) option was enabled.
When I switched to Legacy mode, the display started working properly.
I tried different settings today, including startup option/integrated audio, but it doesn't make any changes.
I have only a bog-standard 23-inch HDMI computer display available. I plugged it into a Pi 5B running moOde 9.0.6. I made no manual adjustments to the /boot/firmware/config.txt file provided and managed by moOde.
Using the webUI on my iPad, I enabled the local display in moOde and restarted moOde as instructed. The display came up full screen.
Quote:With most HDMI monitors, Raspberry Pi OS uses the highest resolution and refresh rate supported by the monitor.
So, how does the Pi + RaspiOS know what the highest resolution and refresh rate supported by the monitor is? Let's see what the kmsprint command tells us
rho@purple:~ $ kmsprint -m
Connector 0 (32) HDMI-A-1 (connected)
0 1920x1080@60.00 148.500 1920/88/44/148/+ 1080/4/5/36/+ 60 (60.00) P|D
1 1920x1080@59.94 148.352 1920/88/44/148/+ 1080/4/5/36/+ 60 (59.94) D 16:9
2 1920x1080@50.00 148.500 1920/528/44/148/+ 1080/4/5/36/+ 50 (50.00) D
3 1600x1200@60.00 162.000 1600/64/192/304/+ 1200/1/3/46/+ 60 (60.00) D
4 1680x1050@59.88 119.000 1680/48/32/80/+ 1050/3/6/21/- 60 (59.88) D
5 1280x1024@75.02 135.000 1280/16/144/248/+ 1024/1/3/38/+ 75 (75.02) D
6 1280x1024@60.02 108.000 1280/48/112/248/+ 1024/1/3/38/+ 60 (60.02) D
7 1440x900@74.98 136.750 1440/96/152/248/- 900/3/6/33/+ 75 (74.98) D
8 1440x900@59.90 88.750 1440/48/32/80/+ 900/3/6/17/- 60 (59.90) D
9 1280x960@60.00 108.000 1280/96/112/312/+ 960/1/3/36/+ 60 (60.00) D
10 1280x800@59.91 71.000 1280/48/32/80/+ 800/3/6/14/- 60 (59.91) D
11 1152x864@75.00 108.000 1152/64/128/256/+ 864/1/3/32/+ 75 (75.00) D
12 1280x720@60.00 74.250 1280/110/40/220/+ 720/5/5/20/+ 60 (60.00) D
13 1280x720@59.94 74.176 1280/110/40/220/+ 720/5/5/20/+ 60 (59.94) D 16:9
14 1280x720@50.00 74.250 1280/440/40/220/+ 720/5/5/20/+ 50 (50.00) D
15 1024x768@75.03 78.750 1024/16/96/176/+ 768/1/3/28/+ 75 (75.03) D
16 1024x768@70.07 75.000 1024/24/136/144/- 768/3/6/29/- 70 (70.07) D
17 1024x768@60.00 65.000 1024/24/136/160/- 768/3/6/29/- 60 (60.00) D
18 832x624@74.55 57.284 832/32/64/224/- 624/1/3/39/- 75 (74.55) D
19 800x600@75.00 49.500 800/16/80/160/+ 600/1/3/21/+ 75 (75.00) D
20 800x600@72.19 50.000 800/56/120/64/+ 600/37/6/23/+ 72 (72.19) D
21 800x600@60.32 40.000 800/40/128/88/+ 600/1/4/23/+ 60 (60.32) D
22 800x600@56.25 36.000 800/24/72/128/+ 600/1/2/22/+ 56 (56.25) D
23 720x576@50.00 27.000 720/12/64/68/- 576/5/5/39/- 50 (50.00) D
24 720x480@60.00 27.027 720/16/62/60/- 480/9/6/30/- 60 (60.00) D 4:3
25 720x480@59.94 27.000 720/16/62/60/- 480/9/6/30/- 60 (59.94) D
26 640x480@75.00 31.500 640/16/64/120/- 480/1/3/16/- 75 (75.00) D
27 640x480@72.81 31.500 640/24/40/128/- 480/9/3/28/- 73 (72.81) D
28 640x480@66.67 30.240 640/64/64/96/- 480/3/3/39/- 67 (66.67) D
29 640x480@60.00 25.200 640/16/96/48/- 480/10/2/33/- 60 (60.00) D 4:3
30 640x480@59.94 25.175 640/16/96/48/- 480/10/2/33/- 60 (59.94) D
31 720x400@70.08 28.320 720/18/108/54/- 400/12/2/35/+ 70 (70.08) D
This is all the modes reported in the Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) returned from the monitor.
And asking what mode is actually active in the connection
08-11-2024, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2024, 11:18 AM by scoddy.)
I got the same problem but i found a way to fix it.
After every Update from 9.0 to 9.6 i have to change the file
home/pi/.xinitrc to get my Display (Waveshare 11.9 widescreen) working again.
I use this how-to https://moodeaudio.org/forum/showthread.php?tid=6416
In Version 9.6 the file is different than before. Maybe this information helps.
I suffer from Emersonism (Some 180 years ago, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.")
To generalize solutions such as the HowTo threw out, it's useful to know information like I asked for. What does an ummodified moOde player (hence, RaspiOS) report for the attached HDMI display., e.g., what are the outputs of kmsprint -m and kmsprint? Then, the output of fbset -s should echo the output of kmsprint.
Note that the HowTo has several components: first, in the kernel command line (cmdline.txt), it forces the system to assume not just a specific resolution and rate but also to rotate the display geometry. Then, in the .xinitrc file, it forces X11 also to consider the geometry rotated.