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Spotify connect not working...
The moodeutl -f command gave me:

 S16_LE, S24_LE

so I tried those, but neither worked.  Tried S32, too; same -- still can't get it (ver 9.1.4 on my Pi4/AlloDigiOne) to take the instruction to start Spotify Connect.  My previous installations, 8.3.9 and version 7.6.1 still work if I plug in those cards. (But note, the intermittent connection drops with ver 8.3.9 is what motivated the upgrade to 9.1.4.)

Using the backup download, I compared the settings between the versions.  Most things look the same, but I do see that under MPD
ver 9 has: device = "2"
ver 8 has: device = "0"
Those weren't things I set, so I assume that's just part of the new version is probing possible devices.

The moodeutl -F command on ver 9 reports:
Error opening sound device for card 0, device 0: Unknown error 524.  Skipping.
Error opening sound device for card 1, device 0: Unknown error 524.  Skipping.
*** Scanning for playback devices ***
Card 0, ID `vc4hdmi0', name `vc4-hdmi-0'
 Device 0, ID `MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0', name `MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0', 1 subdevices (1 available)
Card 1, ID `vc4hdmi1', name `vc4-hdmi-1'
 Device 0, ID `MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0', name `MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0', 1 subdevices (1 available)
Card 2, ID `sndallodigione', name `snd_allo_digione'
 Device 0, ID `Allo DigiOne HiFi wm8804-spdif-0', name `Allo DigiOne HiFi wm8804-spdif-0', 1 subdevices (1 available)
   2 channels, sampling rate 32000..192000 Hz
   Sample formats: S16_LE, S24_LE
   Buffer size range from 64 to 131072
   Period size range from 32 to 65536

Does anyone have any other ideas?

TIA   -Stan
It's difficult to see from these logs what's going on. Please provide a full, verbose librespot output. If you think it's a librespot issue, file it there:
maintainer of librespot and pleezer
To get the librespot log do the following:

1. Turn on moode debug logging in System Config
2. Turn off Spotify Connect in Renderer Config
3. Clear the log
sudo truncate /var/log/moode_librespot.log --size 0
4. Turn on Spotify Connect in Renderer Config
5. Try to connect from a Spotify client
6. Examine the log
cat /var/log/moode_librespot.log
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Here is the moode_librespot.log contents from one attempt to activate Spotify Connect, which timed out in ~55 seconds.  I can't interpret this well enough to guess whether this indicates a problem with librespot (and should be posted on their GitHub issues, as suggested by @roderickvd), or represents a problem with Mo0de (config or integration).  I'd be happy to post any other log content that might be helpful.  Many many thanks again for your attention.

[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z INFO  librespot] librespot 0.5.0 84d28e8 (Built on 2024-10-16, Build ID: izu7C8cN, Profile: release)
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot] Command line argument(s):
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          name "Moode Spotify"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          bitrate "320"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          format "S24"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          mixer "softvol"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          initial-volume "5"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          volume-ctrl "log"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          volume-range "60"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          cache "/var/local/www/spotify_cache"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          disable-audio-cache
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          backend "alsa"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          device "_audioout"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          onevent "/var/local/www/commandw/"
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z TRACE librespot]          v
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] new Session
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z DEBUG librespot_discovery::server] Zeroconf server listening on
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z INFO  librespot_playback::mixer::softmixer] Mixing with softvol and volume control: Log(60.0)
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] new Player [0]
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z INFO  librespot_playback::convert] Converting with ditherer: tpdf
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z INFO  librespot_playback::audio_backend::alsa] Using AlsaSink with format: S24
[2024-11-21T19:36:07Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=AddEventSender
If this is all, then it really is doing nothing. There should be much more when it picks up a connection.
Is there something with IPv6 on your LAN maybe? There have been some minor changes in v0.5.0 to zeroconf discovery but this is very weird.
maintainer of librespot and pleezer
@sdbinsf, Below is a sample log showing startup and client connect. The tokens and large amount of frame data has been omitted.

# Librespot Startup
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z INFO  librespot] librespot 0.6.0 383a6f6 (Built on 2024-11-02, Build ID: E4uuQIK1, Profile: release)
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot] Command line argument(s):
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         name "Moode9 Spotify"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         bitrate "320"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         format "S16"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         mixer "softvol"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         initial-volume "5"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         volume-ctrl "log"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         volume-range "60"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         cache "/var/local/www/spotify_cache"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         disable-audio-cache
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         backend "alsa"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         device "_audioout"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         onevent "/var/local/www/commandw/"
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot]         v
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot] Using cached credentials.
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] new Session
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_discovery::server] Zeroconf server listening on
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z INFO  librespot_playback::mixer::softmixer] Mixing with softvol and volume control: Log(60.0)
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] new Player [0]
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] new Spirc[0]
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z INFO  librespot_playback::convert] Converting with ditherer: tpdf
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot::component] new MercuryManager
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z INFO  librespot_playback::audio_backend::alsa] Using AlsaSink with format: S16
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot::component] new SpClient
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::spclient] Client token unavailable or expired, requesting new token.
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::http_client] Requesting
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=AddEventSender
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::spclient] Received a granted token
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot_core::spclient] Got client token: GrantedTokenResponse { token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", expires_after_seconds: 1216800, refresh_after_seconds: 1209600, domains: [TokenDomain { domain: "", special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0 } } }, TokenDomain { domain: "", special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0 } } }], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0 } } }
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot::component] new ApResolver
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::http_client] Requesting
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Authenticating with AP using AUTHENTICATION_STORED_SPOTIFY_CREDENTIALS
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Authenticated as 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' !
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] canonical_username: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_playback::mixer::mappings] Input volume 3276 mapped to: 0.14%
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=AddEventSender
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::mercury] listening to uri=spotify:user:attributes:mutated
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::mercury] listening to uri=hm://pusher/v1/connections/
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::mercury] listening to uri=hm://remote/user/
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::mercury] listening to uri=spotify:user:attributes:update
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] Received Ping
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] keep-alive state: PendingPong, timeout in 60.0
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] Session strong=4 weak=5
[2024-11-21T20:34:32Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Country: "US"
[2024-11-21T20:34:33Z TRACE librespot_core::session] Received product info: {
       "fb-info-confirmation": "control",
       "instant-search-expand-sidebar": "0",
       "prefetch-strategy": "18",
       "audiobook-onboarding-dismissed": "0",
       "capping-bar-threshold": "3601",
       "head-files-url": "{file_id}",
       "expiry": "1",
       "remote-control": "0",
       "ab-mobile-startpage": "0",
       "offline": "1",
       "ad-formats-video-takeover": "0",
       "ab-collection-bookmark-model": "1",
       "ad-session-persistence": "1",
       "buffering-strategy": "2",
       "ab-play-history": "0",
       "is_email_verified": "0",
       "video-keyframe-url": "{source_id}/keyframe/heights/{height}/timestamps/{timestamp_ms}.jpg",
       "libspotify": "1",
       "browse-overview-enabled": "1",
       "prefetch-window-max": "2",
       "head-files": "1",
       "network-operator-premium-activation": "1",
       "ab-new-share-flow": "0",
       "use-pl3": "0",
       "ab-ad-player-targeting": "1",
       "image-url": "{file_id}",
       "enable-crossfade": "1",
       "local-files-import": "0",
       "ad-formats-preroll-video": "0",
       "collection": "1",
       "ab-moments-experience": "0",
       "ab-mobile-running-onlymanualmode": "only-manual",
       "catalogue": "premium",
       "sidebar-navigation-enabled": "0",
       "player-license": "premium",
       "shuffle": "0",
       "storage-size-config": "10240,90,500,3",
       "ab-test-group": "342",
       "mobile-login": "1",
       "streaming": "1",
       "shows-collection": "0",
       "restrict-playlist-collaboration": "0",
       "publish-activity": "0",
       "ab-collection-union": "1",
       "fb-grant-permission-local-render": "0",
       "ab_recently_played_feature_time_filter_threshold": "com.spotify.gaia=30,driving-mode=120,spotify%3Ainternal%3Astartpage=30",
       "audio-preview-url-template": "{id}",
       "video-device-blacklisted": "0",
       "metadata-link-lookup-modes": "0",
       "license-acceptance-grace-days": "30",
       "employee-free-opt-in": "0",
       "instant-search": "0",
       "video-wifi-initial-bitrate": "800000",
       "prefetch-keys": "1",
       "ab-android-push-notifications": "1",
       "enable-autostart": "1",
       "user-profile-show-invitation-codes": "0",
       "filter-explicit-content": "0",
       "high-bitrate": "1",
       "ab-collection-offline-mode": "0",
       "on-demand": "1",
       "pause-after": "0",
       "playlist-annotations-markup": "0",
       "ab-desktop-hide-follow": "0",
       "name": "Spotify Premium",
       "shuffle-algorithm": "1",
       "type": "premium",
       "explicit-content": "1",
       "buffering-strategy-parameters": "0.8:0.2:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:1.0:10:10:2000:10000:10485760",
       "send-email": "1",
       "video-initial-bitrate": "200000",
       "financial-product": "pr:premium,tc:0,rt:v2_US_2024-q3globalcampaign_winback-3m-for-1-3m_11.99_USD_default",
       "ab-mobile-discover": "0",
       "ap-resolve-pods": "0",
       "ad-persist-reward-time": "0",
       "audiobook-onboarding-completed": "0",
       "mobile": "1",
       "ab-watch-now": "0",
       "ab-mobile-running-tempo-detection": "Control",
       "arsenal_country": "1",
       "video-cdn-sampling": "1",
       "unrestricted": "1",
       "ads": "0",
       "app-developer": "0",
       "allow-override-internal-prefs": "0",
       "india-experience": "0",
       "publish-playlist": "0",
       "track-cap": "0",
       "payments-locked-state": "0",
       "enable-gapless": "1",
       "playlist-folders": "1",
       "mobile-browse": "0",
       "preferred-locale": "en-us",
       "shows-collection-jam": "0",
       "widevine-license-url": "",
       "ab-browse-music-tuesday": "1",
       "ab-collection-followed-artists-only": "0",
       "key-caching-max-count": "10000",
       "nft-disabled": "1",
       "ugc-abuse-report-url": "{uri}",
       "head-file-caching": "1",
       "video-manifest-url": "{type}/sources/{source_id}",
       "payments-initial-campaign": "default",
       "incognito_mode_timeout": "21600",
       "last-premium-activation-date": "2024-09-05T11:19:26Z",
       "radio": "1",
       "key-caching-max-offline-seconds": "1800",
       "enable-annotations-read": "0",
       "mobile-payment": "0",
       "use-fb-publish-backend": "2",
       "ab-mobile-social-feed": "1",
       "ab-collection-hide-unavailable-albums": "0",
       "use-playlist-uris": "0",
       "ugc-abuse-report": "0",
[2024-11-21T20:34:33Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received connection ID update: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2024-11-21T20:34:33Z DEBUG librespot::component] new Login5Manager
[2024-11-21T20:34:33Z DEBUG librespot_core::http_client] Requesting
[2024-11-21T20:34:33Z TRACE librespot_core::login5] Got auth token: Token { access_token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", expires_in: 3600s, token_type: "Bearer", scopes: [], timestamp: Instant { tv_sec: 2551, tv_nsec: 819995172 } }
[2024-11-21T20:34:33Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] successfully pre-acquire access_token and client_token
[2024-11-21T20:34:33Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received update frame: Frame {

. Frame data

# Client Connected
[2024-11-21T20:36:09Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPause]
[2024-11-21T20:36:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] Received Ping
[2024-11-21T20:36:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] keep-alive state: PendingPong, timeout in 60.0
[2024-11-21T20:36:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] Session strong=4 weak=7
[2024-11-21T20:37:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] Sending Pong
[2024-11-21T20:37:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] keep-alive state: ExpectingPongAck, timeout in 20.0
[2024-11-21T20:37:33Z TRACE librespot_core::session] Received PongAck
[2024-11-21T20:37:33Z TRACE librespot_core::session] keep-alive state: ExpectingPing, timeout in 80.0
[2024-11-21T20:38:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] Received Ping
[2024-11-21T20:38:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] keep-alive state: PendingPong, timeout in 60.0
[2024-11-21T20:38:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] Session strong=4 weak=7
[2024-11-21T20:39:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] Sending Pong
[2024-11-21T20:39:32Z TRACE librespot_core::session] keep-alive state: ExpectingPongAck, timeout in 20.0
[2024-11-21T20:39:33Z TRACE librespot_core::session] Received PongAck
[2024-11-21T20:39:33Z TRACE librespot_core::session] keep-alive state: ExpectingPing, timeout in 80.0
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
I'm having no trouble connecting to moOde 9.1.4 (on various model Pis) from Spotify apps on my Linux laptop, my Pixel 6a, and my Ipad. My moode_librespot.log is essentially the same as @Tim Curtis's.

As a data point in response to @roderickvd's query, I do have dual IPv4/IPv6 connectivity with the Internet and haven't experienced any related oddities with Spotify or any other music streaming service with or without moOde as the target renderer. 

Today's progress..

Based on @roderickvd thought: Is there something with IPv6 on your LAN maybe? There have been some minor changes in v0.5.0 to zeroconf discovery but this is very weird.

I don't think I had IPv6 enabled on my LAN. I did that and rebooted my router (Synology).
I also put a complete new image of ver 9.1.4 on my microSD card.
After reconfiguring here's what I got on the moode_librespot.log. To be clear, I restarted the Pi, and copied the contents of the librespot log. Then cleared the log and I tried to connect again (i.e., from Spotify on my Mac, directing outpot to Moode Spotify). I then copied out the new contents of the log. (commands included in the output below.)

pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/moode_librespot.log
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z INFO librespot] librespot 0.5.0 84d28e8 (Built on 2024-10-16, Build ID: izu7C8cN, Profile: release)
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] Command line argument(s):
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] name "Moode Spotify"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] bitrate "320"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] format "S24"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] mixer "softvol"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] initial-volume "5"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] volume-ctrl "log"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] volume-range "60"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] cache "/var/local/www/spotify_cache"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] disable-audio-cache
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] backend "alsa"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] device "_audioout"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] onevent "/var/local/www/commandw/"
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z TRACE librespot] v
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] new Session
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z DEBUG librespot_discovery::server] Zeroconf server listening on
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z INFO librespot_playback::mixer::softmixer] Mixing with softvol and volume control: Log(60.0)
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] new Player [0]
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z INFO librespot_playback::convert] Converting with ditherer: tpdf
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z INFO librespot_playback::audio_backend::alsa] Using AlsaSink with format: S24
[2024-11-22T03:25:17Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=AddEventSender
pi@moode:~ $ sudo truncate /var/log/moode_librespot.log --size 0
pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/moode_librespot.log

# -- this is where I tried to make the connection again -- #

pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/moode_librespot.log
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_discovery::server] POST "/" {}
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] Shutdown: Invalidating session
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] new MercuryManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] new ChannelManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] new Session
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=SetSession
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] drop Session
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] drop ChannelManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] drop MercuryManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] new Spirc[0]
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] new MercuryManager
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot::component] new ApResolver
[2024-11-22T03:28:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::http_client] Requesting
[2024-11-22T03:28:26Z INFO librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:28:31Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:31Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:36Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:36Z WARN librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:36Z INFO librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:28:41Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:41Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:46Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:46Z WARN librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:46Z INFO librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:28:51Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:51Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:56Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:28:56Z WARN librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:28:56Z INFO librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:29:01Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:01Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:29:06Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:06Z WARN librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:29:06Z INFO librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:29:11Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:11Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...
[2024-11-22T03:29:16Z DEBUG librespot_discovery::server] POST "/" {}
[2024-11-22T03:29:16Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:16Z WARN librespot_core::session] Try another access point...
[2024-11-22T03:29:16Z INFO librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP ""
[2024-11-22T03:29:21Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Connection failed: timed out
[2024-11-22T03:29:21Z DEBUG librespot_core::connection] Retry access point...

So it looks like all the connections failed. Given that Spotify still works in my systems when I run moode from the old microSD cards, was there a removal of old networking methods in the new librespot "driver", and my router needs to have settings modified (i.e., holes poked in my firewall or something) to work with ver 9?

Thanks again! [Donation made to :-)
So you're saying that after you enabled dual-stack IPv4/IPv6, it did more (but obviously still failed)? That's weird.
Can you try enabling/disabling IPv4/IPv6 on your connecting device (mobile?), try out all the combinations and see what's going on?

All access points timing out seems like this other recent issue:
No, it should not require any different firewall configuration than before, the ports are all still the same.
maintainer of librespot and pleezer
I keep trying to replicate @sdbinsf''s situation but I'm not succeeding. Listening to Spotify streams as I type, with librespot connected to

It may not help, but @sdbinsf could you please follow Tim's usual request that you reboot, capture moOde's system info file, and post it in a code box here.


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