Ok, so here we go.
1. Enable upmpdcli logging in the /etc/upmpdcli.conf file.
First make a backup of the file.
cd /etc
sudo cp upmpdcli.conf upmpdcli.conf.old
You have to be root to edit upmpdcli.conf using your favorite editor. For example, "sudo nano upmpdcli.conf" or "sudo vi upmpdcli.conf"
Near the beginning of this file you'll see the lines
# Upmpdcli general parameters
# Log file name.
#logfilename = /var/log/moodeupnp.log
# Log level.
#loglevel = 2
Uncomment several of the lines by deleting the leading hash mark (#) and change the loglevel (possibly level 2 or 3 is sufficient but I find level 4 gives useful diagnostic info even when everything is working properly). The lines will now read
# Upmpdcli general parameters
# Log file name.
logfilename = /var/log/moodeupnp.log
# Log level.
loglevel = 4
Save the file and reboot just for luck.
2. Enable the UPnP renderer if you haven't already done so, direct mconnect to play to it, and start playing a Tidal track.
3. From the command line again, make a copy of the log file.
cp /var/log/moodeupnp.log .
4. Examine the copy to see if any informative messages jump out at you. Since I have no way of repro'ing your issue I have no idea what these messages might be. If you want you can zip up the file, put in on your favorite file-sharing site, and send me the link by Private Message.
Note: When everything is working the log is quite verbose and continues growing even when a track isn't playing so I don't suggest you try posting it in this forum.
5. Turn off logging
Either re-edit /etc/upmpdcli.conf to comment the two lines or overwrite the file with the backup copy, e.g.,
cd /etc
sudo cp upmpdcli.conf.old upmpdcli.conf
sudo chown root.audio upmpdcli.conf
Not sure the chown command is essential but it restores the group ownership that the original had.